July 22, 2024

Democracy! Dems bleat how much they love it, but are about to junk it

"I think that--to be very honest with you--I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled, and that's why I do believe that we are living, sadly, in real unsettled times."  --Kamala Harris

Watching the "leaders" of the amusingly mis-named "Democrat Party" cunningly scheming to ensure Cackles is their nominee is highly amusing, because the leaders know that if they nominate anyone other than Cackles it'll infuriate most blacks and 40 percent of the women in the party.  If a bunch of those people are mad enough to not vote, it's a disaster for the Dems.

So all the "leaders" have to do is to convince Dem voters that "the Party's long-standing rules" say that if the presidential nominee can't serve, the VP nominee is automatically the presidential nominee.

Easy, eh?

Problem is, that "longstanding rules" line is a lie--utter horseshit.  There's no rule on that, because no one believed it would happen.  Of course one may well have been written in the last three days, following a secret meeting of five top DNC officials to make one up, without any debate or a wider vote, cuz dat's duh way democracy works if you're a Democrat eh?

Hear me out: No voter--in either party--has ANY input to the choice of the nominee's VP.  In 2020 Dems voted NOT for Cackles but for biden, just as conservatives voted for Trump instead of the weird turncoat Mike Pence.  By contrast, at least a million or so Dems DID vote for whoever ran against Porridgebrain in the primaries.

So if you claim primaries are a "democratic process," the person who got the second largest number of votes should be the choice, eh?  Cuz again, voters NEVER selected Cackles for VP.  They had no choice at all.

But the "leaders" of the Party can't have the nomination go to the second-place finisher in the primaries, because that would blow up the Party for at least four years.  But no problem, eh?  All they have to do is convince Democrat voters that Cackles is, like, totally the possible best choice for their nominee.

And if a tiny number of voters disagree, tough shit, because the leaderz will make up the line that "duh Rulez require dat!"

Except they don't.  It's a brazen lie.  And if you're a Democrat who doesn't believe that--i.e. who believes there IS such a rule--consider this: If there was such a rule, the Party's *"leaders"* would have mentioned that *from the outset.*

So that's one problem.  The second is, Who can legally control the campaign contributions sent to the "Biden for president" fund (or whatever it's called)?  

According to CNBC (I know, unreliable horseshit) the Harris campaign said it raised $49.6 million in less than ONE DAY after biden's dropout letter.  A later headline of CNBC says "Harris team announces $81 million haul over first 24 hours of campaign," an amount they called "the largest 24-hour haul in presidential history.”

CNBC says the Democrat slushfund ActBlue took in another $67 million in contributions on Sunday alone, claiming it was the single best day for the site since online record-keeping began in 2020.

And a so-called "super-PAC" called "Future Forward" that was supporting Biden before he dropped out says it's gotten $150 million in new commitments in just one day after he left and endorsed Cackles.

NBC calls that "staggering," which seem right.

I suspect other Dem funds have another $100 million or so in their coffers.  But who controls that cash?

Good luck finding out.  And of course in the unlikely event any of those "uncontrolled" fund managers aren't fans of Cackles, Party bigwigs will almost certainly be able to strong-arm the operators into turning over the cash.  Together those numbers will double the Dems cash hoard.

The CNBC article is a total slobber-fest for the Democrats.  Seems every corrupt shithead Democrat governor has jumped on Cackles bandwagon--including Arizona's ghastly Katie Hobbs and Mass-hole's ghastly Maura Healey.


CNBC--like most Lying Mainstream outlets--is ecstatic about the fact that simply by biden dropping out and leaving Cackles as the "presumptive nominee," the Dems have totally defeated the GOP:  At a stroke the age issue and the senility issue have vanished.  Cackles is still a moron who spews word salad, but with Media help that can be hidden from voters, just as biden's dementia was for four years.

In any event, the fix is in: Dem voters won't get a chance to vote for anyone other than Cackles, unless Party bigwigs calculate the vote for other candidates will be trivial.  They've already decided they can't risk having a revolt against her brilliant leadership, eh?

What would be fun would be to start a series of 15-second vids on X and other internet sites showing clips of Cackles saying any of hundreds of stupid things, with one of several voiceovers, like "We thought your party had several smarter, better-spoken candidates.  But you voted for her."  

Or "We hope all you Democrat voters are happy with the person you voted for for your party's nominee.  Wait...y'say you didn't vote for her?  Wow."

Or "You'd think whoever got the second-most votes in the Dem primary would be the party's nominee, eh?  We were taught that's how a democracy works.  Guess they lied, eh?"

Oh, this will be great fun!  Not sure it will overcome the huge Democrat advantage in cash, but it'll still be a hoot. 

Source: CNBC


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