July 21, 2024

Pro-Democrat NBC interviewed Cackles about how she was coming along with the border...

Almost three years ago Porridgebrain named Cackles as his "border czar."  Several months later NBC interviewer Lester Holt sat down with Cackles and asked her about how she was coming along on stopping the avalanche of illegals waltzing across our southern border.  The exchange was...revealing:

Harris: "We’ve been to the border. So this whole thing about the border...." 

Harris: "We’ve been to the border." 

Harris: "We’ve been to the border." 

Interviewer Holt: "YOU haven’t been to the border." 

Harris: [laughs nervously] "I... and I haven’t been to Europe.  And I mean [laughs] I don't understand the point that you're making." 

Behold, the Democrat nominee for president, in all her rhetorical brilliance:



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