July 24, 2024

Suddenly, after denials, DOJ discovers they DO have transcripts of biden chats with biographer

This is a de-bullshitted version of an article by the Dem shill-site Politico.  The original was SO convoluted and confusing--I suspect deliberately--as to be useless unless you were already familiar with the case.

The case involves interviews of biden by his biographer, Mark Zwonitzer, who interviewed Porridgebrain for well over 70 hours to produce two slobbering, fawning books about His Excellence, one in 2007 (before the crucial election that inflicted Porridge and Obozo on the nation) and the other before the 2017 election.

Special Counsel Robert Hur was appointed to investigate Porridge's illegally stealing classified material when he left office as Obozo's VP in 2017.  When Hur learned of Zwonitzer's interview tapes he scheduled an interview with Zwonitzer to learn whether they contained any classified info.

Zwonitzer wasn't cleared for classified info, and reportedly knew Porridge had told him classified info during his extensive interviews.  So when Zwonitzer was notified that he'd be interviewed by Hur about this, he did what any honest citizen would do, eh?  

He cunningly erased his copies of the tapes, preventing Congress from knowing whether the corrupt biden had broken the law yet again.

Zwonitzer knew he wouldn't be charged for having the information, since he had no way of knowing what was classified.  So why would he think to erase the tapes?

If you guessed "One of Porridgebrain's infinite number of corrupt handlers told the writer to do that, you're almost certainly right.  That's obstruction of justice--a serious crime.

Oh wait...the notoriously corrupt "DOJ" had a copy of the tapes, so let the Special Counsel listen to those, eh?

Hahahahaha!  No.  The utterly corrupt biden  claimed those tapes couldn't be subpoenaed by congress because of "executive privilege."

Of course that privilege protects advice or opinions given the president by members of the executive branch.  Interviews given by Porridgebrain to his biographer clearly didn't qualify.  

When pressed on this obvious bullshit excuse for refusing congress, Merrick Garland's "DOJ" invented their next bullshit excuse, claiming the interview tapes would have to be reviewed by them to ensure they didn't contain any classified.  They then whined that this would take a LOT of time, and that every single fucking drone in the DOJ was far, FAR too busy to do that!

Garland didn't even try to explain what all the drones were allegedly too busy doing, because he didn't need to:  he knew no one in congress would ask.

So congress then asked for transcripts of those interviews, and several conservative organizations filed FOIA requests for them.  The DOJ neatly lied and claimed either that no transcripts were made, or that if they had been, they couldn't be found.

Beginning to smell a coverup yet?  So here we go:

Politico, July 23, 2024:
   Late yesterday the Justice Department told a federal judge it has located transcripts it previously denied having, of President Biden’s talks with a biographer that played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified material before he became president.

In the wake of a report special counsel Robert Hur issued in February the Department has been swamped with Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits demanding access to various records related to Hur’s probe.

Some of the requests came from conservative groups apparently seeking to get information that could reinforce doubts about Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for the presidency. Nagging concerns about those issues, particularly after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump last month, helped drive Biden’s announcement Sunday that he is dropping his bid for reelection.

Stop there.  Politico's propagandists are deliberately trying to confuse voters here: the "doubts about biden's mental acuity and fitness for the presidency" were related to different tapes, the audio of Hur's four hours or so of interviews with Porridgebrain, in which biden reportedly acted as totally inept as during the June 27th debate that removed all doubt.

The issues with the Zwonitzer tapes were about whether Porridge had disclosed classified material to a person who wasn't cleared to receive it.  He did, which is why a handler ordered the writer to delete his copies.  But by deliberately conflating the two audiotapes, then now that biden has said he's not running again, making fitness moot, Politico's writers have gotten voters to believe the classified-information issue is settled.

It hasn't been settled, merely ignored.  Like most Democrat violations, they use bullshit and Media cover to run out the clock, and escape not just punishment, but prevent voters from knowing what they did.

It’s unclear whether his exit from the race will affect the handling of Hur’s materials by the Justice Department, which has argued that the release of audio of Biden’s interviews with Hur would violate the president’s privacy...

Stop.  A perp's "right to privacy" doesn't legally block an investigation into a crime.  No f'n way.  That's utter bullshit.  Dems might have a shot at blocking congress from getting the damning audio of counsel Hur's interview with Porridgebrain, but that's not the audio at issue here!

(And as an aside, since the DOJ has sworn that the transcript they'd released is totally accurate, they'd have a hard time claiming "right to privacy" would allow 'em to withhold that audio, eh?)

And of course again, the Hur audio issue has been mooted by biden's dropping out.  Once again running out the clock worked to protect the Democrat Party.  As they knew it would.

Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interviews in a bid to head off House Republicans’ effort to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to release the recordings.

This is breathtaking: First, which audio do the shills at Politico mean?  The audio for which transcripts have been found couldn't POSSIBLY qualify as privileged, since biden's biographer was never a government advisor.
   Similarly, the audio of Hur's interview was not privileged since Porridgebrain was not relying on Hur's advice.  Hur was clearly investigating a crime and obviously NOT advising corrupt Porridgebrain.

But the good news is...no matter how badly the Democrats fuck up this once-great nation, I'll be fine.  I've got ample stocks of wine and cases of popcorn, and no kids.  So I'm gonna have a glass or two and watch and smile as the corruptocrats continue to destroy what was once clearly the greatest nation on Earth.  

You Democrats voted Porridge and Cackles preznits (with the help of 35,000 fraudulent votes), so you richly deserve what you're about to get.

And for you honest, hard-working, America-loving, pro-family folks out there: I apologize for not doing more to warn ya.
At a hearing last month, DOJ lawyers defending one FOIA case told a federal judge that having to "process" audio of writer Zwonitzer's 70 hours of interviews with Porridgebrain to ensure they didn't contain classified info would just take WAY too much of dere precious time!  If they'd just had written transcripts it would have been possible, but since they didn't, well...

At a hearing just a month ago (June 18), lying shithead DOJ attorney Cameron Silverberg told the judge “We don’t have any transcripts" to do that.  But two days ago (July 22) Silverberg filed a document with the court admitting that the DOJ actually did have 117 pages of transcripts of biden’s interviews with Zwonitzer, *and that those conversations contained classified information.*

Whoa!  Total bombshell reversal, eh?  And you never heard a word about it.  The lying sons of whores knew all along, but waited until biden dropped out of the 2024 race to make the damning admission that shithead had revealed classified info to his no-clearance ghost writer.  Because now any damage to Porridgebrain no longer matters.

The lying DOJ lackey also bleated that the DOJ was "barred by Justice Department policy from pursuing charges against a sitting president."

"Policy"?  That's cunning bafflegab for "cuz we don't wanna."

The biden/harris regime and all their Democrat lackeys in congress have made it clear that the Dems will cheerfully violate all "laws" with total impunity.  Thanks, assholes.

Source: Politico



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