July 21, 2024

90% of Maricopa County's voting machines go down at the same time; total coincidence!

WELL...it's been about four hours since Porridgebrain said he wouldn't continue his run and would endorse Cackles.  And to say things are...rather chaotic...is a huge understatement.

Black pols and consultants are slobbering over Cackles.  "She beez duh greates' VP in history, an' she duh bes' person to be president!  Way smahtah den duh eeebil Orange Hitler!  Yep yep yep!

On the other hand, rumor is that Pelosi and Hill-beast and Obozo are a bit less than dazzled by Cackles and will push other candidates.  Obviously can't tell if that's true, and the cunning bitches are being careful not to tip their hands in case it looks like Cackles will be the nominee.

As I've noted previously, it's almost impossible for the Dems to pick anyone other than Cackles without blowing up the party.  So one can easily imagine Pelosi and Hill-beast and Obozo deciding that if Trump's lead is outside the ability to steal, better to go down with Cackles than blow up the party.

Of course the best case for conservatives would be if Democrats split, with half the party backing Cackles and the rest backing someone else.  This is the siren song luring people like Pelosi, Hill-beast and Obozo to possibly push someone other than Cackles, hoping that the small chance of winning in November would make it worth the risk.

But realistically I don't think that's gonna fly:  Pelosi, Hilly and Hussein won't be willing to risk alienating the black wing of the party for the small chance of winning with another nominee, so they'll "enthusiastically" endorse Cackles and get working on fake ballots.  That's my prediction.

As an aside: I see Maricopa County, Arizona, had an election a day or so ago, and something like 90 percent of the voting machines suddenly stopped working, all at the same time.   Wow, hell of a coincidence, eh?

Whaddya think could cause such a million-to-one failure of all those voting machines, eh?

Okay, start here:  Neither you nor anyone else will EVER get a straight answer for why it happened.  The rat-bastards who run the county--all Democrats posing as Republicans to get elected!--are totally corrupt, as are the judges, so no one ever gets convicted of anything,.no matter how clear the evidence. 

So you'll have to use your damn head on this one:  As a few of you may have heard, there was a massive internet outage at the same time.  Well it wasn't the "internet" itself, but about 1.5 million computers running Windoze.  And more specifically, it was a group of computers using software from a shady company called Crowdstrike, that wrote code interfacing with a Windoze update. Those computers went down and it took almost a day to get 'em back up.

So what's the connection with Maricopa County voting machines?  The county's "election officials"--all totally honest--say voting machines are NEVER connected to the internet.  But if not, what would make 90% fail at the same time, eh?

Don't worry, princess, duh "election officials" gon' tell ya du troof.  Reeeally!  See, it wuz jus' total coincidence dat all dem scanners went down at duh same time, citizen!



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