July 08, 2024

Send Transgender Women to Space. All of them. Please.

In writing this blog I try to avoid referring to sexual organs, since that tends to make people think you're not a serious analyst.  But I've copied much of the post below from humorist Peachy Keenan, and there's no way to take out the problematic words without losing the humor.  So here goes:

Every day on Earth seems to be a slog for transgender women, for lots of reasons.  Some silly science-deniers even refuse to believe they’re really women.  See, all "real" scientists, like Anthony Fauci, know that a "biological man" can become a woman just by claiming to be!  It's Science, citizen!

Sadly, every time a transgender woman absolutely crushes a biological woman in sports, thanks to their superior strength and speed, some deplorable science deniers inevitably attack them just for being themselves.  Seriously!

Transgender "women" can’t help it if they’re faster and stronger, okay?  You should all be happy that women are breaking so many records in so many sports, deplorable.

Transgender women even got blamed for destroying the multibillion-dollar Bud Light brand, when that was actually the fault of transphobic bigots who boycotted their favorite beer.  Stupid deplorables!

The struggle is real.  Transgender women have a harder time getting dates. Heterosexual transgender women (did your brain explode trying to parse that?) struggle to find heterosexual men willing to engage in totally heterosexual sex that’s not even a little bit gay, just because it happens to involve a totally female penis.

It's just as bad for transgender women who claim to be lesbian: they have trouble finding other lesbian women who are turned on by Adam’s apples and large male hands, not to mention those totally female penises.

In short, despite all the groundbreaking progress transgender women have made to get our transphobic society to accept them as real women, things aren't really working out for them here on Earth...which is why we should send them to space. All of them.  

After all, a mission to Mars and back is likely to take over two years.  It would be asking a lot to get either men or women to miss so much of their kids growing up, but transgenders who were "transitioned" young won't have children to miss.

Plus, NASA would get SO much faaabulous publicity for having a crew composed mainly of trannies.  Moon missions soon became boring, humdrum, but this totally "die-verse" crew would have front-page updates on the NY Times and WaPo every day.

Here are some more reasons Mars missions should have lots of transgenders:

Men tend to enjoy science and math more than women and are on average better at it, despite years of faaabulous publicity by activists for “women in STEM.”  Men also have with slightly faster reflexes and better spatial awareness, which makes them better pilots.

If you’ve seen women try to parallel park for five minutes and still end up two feet from the curb, you understand.

Reason 2: As of this writing, at least, transgender women can't get pregnant.

Despite rules against it, on a two year mission--a year each way, in small quarters--pregnancy is possible.

Transgender women solve this problem nicely. Although there's no visible difference on the outside, many people may be surprised to learn there are no functional female organs on the inside.

There's a lot more but you get the gist.  Peachy is my choice to be assistant director of HHS for health--cuz she'd be a huge improvement over the tranny hand-picked for that post by biden's handlers.

H/T Peachy Keenan



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