July 08, 2024

The U.S. military under Democrat rule

The pics above are all absolutely authentic--not a single "cheap fake" or "deep fake."  This is what our military has become under Democrat rule.

Biden alone isn't the problem.  Sure, he eagerly signed onto this shit, choosing the equally corrupt Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense.  But Cackles and Newsom and all the other Democrats totally support this shit.

Wake the fuck up, moronic voters!  This is what you get when you vote Democrat.  It's what you'll ALWAYS get.  It's what they believe, and who they are.

If we somehow managed to keep Democrats out of controlling government for the next 30 years, we MIGHT have a chance to reverse this.  But of course morons will keep voting Democrats into power, again and again. 

Eh, I don't have any kids so not my problem.  Oh wait, you have children?  Oh wow, does their tragic future--which you caused--weigh on your conscience?  Nah, didn't think so.

You voted for this.  They didn't.  But sadly, they'll be forced to pay the price for your stupidity.


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