July 08, 2024

This just gets better and better

Biden angrily denounces calls from Democrats to step aside; says 'The voters have spoken'

Phones in to "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC this morning and says "Voters have chosen me" and dares Democratic “elites” to try to replace him at the party’s convention.

“We had a [totally fair] nomination process and voters spoke clearly and decisively.
Voters alone decide the nominee."

This is SO much fun to watch!  Most commenters on Democrat websites are totally supporting Porridgebrain, furious that Party insiders are considering replacing him wif' duh faaabulous Cackles.  "We voters haz spoken," they bleat--as if the Party rulers give a flying fuck about what voters think.

Democrat: "How kin yew say dat?  Yew don' know who we iz plannin' to choose!  Some of ouah finest thinkers have suggested a "six-week sprint primary" in which all duh candidates would compete fo' duh nomination."

Oh sure.  Sorry, sparky.  Didn't mean to tell you the truth or anything.

SO...the Dems are trapped in a fabulous dilemma of their own making: If they keep biden, everyone with a functioning brain knows that will make Cackles preznit.  And if they dump Porridgebrain, they can't nominate anyone BUT Cackles without alienating blacks and women.  And as one black female said, if the Dems select anyone except Cackles "We'll blow up the party."

So the Dems' choices are either a corruptocrat with advanced dementia, ensuring Cackles becomes prezzy, or dumping Porridgebrain and nominating Cackles!  

Wow, some choice, eh?  And the hoot is, at least 49% of moronic voters will vote for the Democrat, no  matter who.  They actually have a slogan for this: "Vote Blue, no matter who!"

Source: NBC



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