July 08, 2024

Obama strategist Van Jones outlines the Democrats' script

Does the name "Van Jones" ring any bells?

Jones was a close advisor to the Muslim socialist who became president.  And he (Jones) said he was a communist.

Of course you don't believe that cuz you nevah heard it on CNN or MSNBC, or read it in the NY Times or heard it on NPR--the only 4 sources you Dems would believe, eh?

In an October 2005 interview Jones said that by August 1992 he had become a communist.  That's from Wikipedia, which will do anything to cover for the Left.  So if the leftists at Wiki are citing an interview that has Jones saying he'd become a communist, that's likely true.

Jones is now a sought-after commenter for the likes of CNN and MSNBC, and Sunday on CNN he said Cackles is running "regardless of what the Party decides."

He means that if the Party decides keeping biden gives 'em a better chance of winning, most voters will know they're really voting to make Cackles preznit.

Oh wait...you didn't understand that?  In that case go play outside while the rest of us have an adult conversation.  Cuz given joe's rate of deterioration, even if the Dems pull off another steal in November (betting odds: better than even), the Party will be forced to use the 25th Amendment to remove joe before the end of his term--likely within a year.

So under the never-before-used 25th, who would become prezzie, eh?

Cackles, per the clear wording of the amendment.  So that's why Jones says that Cackles is running for president regardless of what the rulers of the Party decide, eh?

If you still don't get that, go play outside.

Jones bleats on:

This is a party that loves him. I've never heard so many people say about a politician, I love this man. Not just I respect him, I just admire him. I love Joe Biden. He is beloved in this party and yet he may not be able to get across the finish line.

And there you see the heart of the Democrat Party: there's absolutely no question that joe has been banking millions in bribes from China, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, a U.S. health-care company and a gas company in Ukraine.  The House committee has copies of the bank wire transfers.   

After one of Hunty's 22 shell companies got a huge bank wire from China, Hunty gave a check to his uncle James (joe's brother) for $200,000.  The same day James biden wrote a check for exactly that amount to joe, writing on the memo line "loan repayment."

So...$200,000 in, and James pays the exact same amount to the preznit the same day.  Wow, WHAT a coincidence, eh?  

Joe never loaned $200,000 to James.  Oh, they can swear he did, "but we jus' nevah wrote anyt'ing up cuz we fambly."  Okay, sparky, where's the check showing the loan?

If the House ever prosecuted (they won't) we'd get the bullshit line from joe "Oh, I gave him duh money in cash.  Cuz jus' like dat faabulous county attorney for someplace near Atlanta, faabulous legal mind, Fani-something, said, "My daddy tol' me to always keep a few hundred-thousand around in cash, just in case, eh?"

Nice try, sparky.  There was no loan.  The corrupt brothers knew disguising bribes as "loan re-payments" was a great way to hide the bribes.  And "loan repayments" aren't even considered income, so aren't taxable (except for any interest).

You can almost hear the corrupt bastards laughing: "Since the Deep State runs the government, regardless of who's president, and the Deep State are all Democrats, the DOJ will never charge us with bribery, and the IRS will never charge us with tax fraud!  So we don't even have to break this bribe up into three or four smaller payments!  We can get away with brazen bribes like dis!  Hahahahaha!"

If you wanna know what the Democrat party loves, and IS, consider that Van Jones says this is the man his corrupt Party absolutely loves.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Jones: "I love Joe Biden. He is beloved in this party."

So...Jones is setting the perfect tone for Democrat insiders who want joe out: "We love him SO much!  Every good American loves our wunnerful preznit, who has served ouah nation so well for 50 years!  An' it reeeeally grieves us to have to ask him to forego--absolutely voluntarily--the unanimous nomination Americans gave him."

See, the Dems have to portray joe as heroically foregoing the nomination voluntarily, because roughly half of Dem voters are demanding he remain the nominee.  The Party can't afford to lose those voters, so would LOVE for biden to voluntarily step aside, and will give him the chance to do so.  But if he doesn't, does anyone with an IQ over 80 think the folks who run the Democrat Party won't force him out, likely with the 25th?  

Of course there are other ways too, that would avoid the upset of forcing him out so directly.  The Dems could quietly tell joe that if he doesn't volunteer to step aside, Garland could release the audio of biden's interview with the Special Counsel.  Many more.

The point of this post is that Van Jones just outlined the script for the Democrats.  Now the question is, does slow joe dig his heels in?



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