July 07, 2024

It's getting better and better

It's a treat to watch the Mainstream Media--all Democrat shills--going crazy over their Party's dilemma.  The breathless, hair-on-fire bleating by Axios is typical:  Axios notes that Biden claims "nothing except an act of God" will get him to step aside as the Democrat nominee.  But a growing number of Democrats want Biden to drop out by Friday, July 12th.

But anyone who's had to deal with dementia patients knows they can be extremely stubborn, and if biden refuses to step down, Democrats are reportedly considering using the 25th Amendment to force him to.

After the live, televised, hugely watched debate, Democratic lawmakers and strategists believe there's nothing biden can do to reverse the belief by 72% of voters that he's too mentally gone to be president.

Dem strategist David Axelrod said a growing number of congressional Democrats and donors fear an electoral disaster if biden isn't replaced as the Democrat party's nominee.

A front-page story in Sunday's Washington Post quotes a Dem strategist as saying that party elites who publicly support Biden say privately there's no way he can stay.

Right on cue, yesterday the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of battleground states claims biden now leads Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin, and that the two candidates are tied in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina.


So far just five of the 213 House Democrats have publicly called for Biden to quit.  Axios notes that calling for your party to replace the winner of the primaries is extremely risky, but they claim dozens more House members and senators are "close to speaking out or signing letters" telling Biden to quit.  

Axios claims "Many top Democrats hope Biden will make his move by Friday," but the piece doesn't give a remotely plausible reason why that date would be critical.

If the Democrat rulers do succeed in getting biden to quit, can you imagine them then trying to get him to endorse Cackles as his replacement (since it's obvious that she's helping to push him out)?  

Since that's such an obvious question, the answer will be obvious if no one in the Mainstream Media asks joe if he's endorsing her.

Axios lies that Cackles would "need time to pick a running mate."  Unless her staff is as dumb as she is, they've already narrowed the list and are interviewing as you read this.

The four-day Republican convention opens a week from tomorrow—Monday, July 15.  Timing a biden "announcement" for the 16th or 17th would take a lot of attention away from that event.

Axios claims biden holds the power to decide.  Certainly he has the "power" to resign, but if he refuses, the Democrats could invoke the 25th whenever they wanted.  Axios claims the Dems would be reluctant to do that, but that's nonsense: They would claim they took that step with greatest sadness, but were (sadly, sadly) forced to do it "for the safety of the American people." 

The Media would eat it up, and the heartfelt (carefully triggered) sympathy felt by Dem voters would increase their turnout in November.  It's utterly brilliant.

The president believes that with the new poll claiming he's tied or leading in the crucial battleground states, his critics will cave.  In which case, enjoy the nation's first "black" female preznit.

Interesting postscript to this story:  Obozo found the perfect insurance against being impeached: Joe.  And in 2020 Joe found the perfect insurance against him being impeached: Cackles.  Who will Cackles choose to find someone to fill that role for her?

I hear Stacey Abrams is available.

Source: Axios



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