July 08, 2024

Ouch: Hollywood moron with 2.2 MILLION followers reverses course on biden

This is an absolute hoot: The day after the debate Rob Reiner was "Okay, ouah faaabulous, totally competent, brilliant prezzy had a rough night, but he still totally competent an' all, so we neeeeds ta support him!"

Just ten days later he's now done a total reverse: "[joe has] served the U.S. with honor, dignity and decency, but it's time for him to step down."  See for yourself:


What changed during that very short time?  Some Dems opened their eyes to reality.

Now here's the hoot:  for some reason the moronic Reiner has 2.2 MILLION dumbshit followers on X.  Go to this link and read all the comments screaming and wailing about him saying the Party needs to replace biden.

Almost all the commenters on his X page were absolutely incensed!  "We needs ta support duh greates' prezzy EVAH!" they wailed.  "Joe is, like, totally competent, an' all foreign leaders respek him!  An' his policies are SO faaabulous!"   Examples:

You are trashing all of our hard work!  You are throwing in the towel that's all wet.  You need to learn Why we will NOT give up on what we voted for!

We already voted! He’s our nominee. That’s democracy! Our vote counts!  Americans trust Biden’s character and leadership.

we are firmly behind President Biden and Vice President Harris.  Trump will lose to Joe precisely because Joe Biden is running against him with solid, history-making legislative accomplishments! 
There must be 2,000 comments like this.  Wow.

SO, here's what to do:  Everyone should urge Democrats in the crucial swing states that if duh mean ol' Party rulers dump yo' beloved prezzy, Dem voters should write in biden's name to show their anger at the Democrat rulers dumping him. 

Really.  What better protest could you make to duh rulerz, eh?

Tell all your friends.



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