July 07, 2024

As House nears vote on bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote, Dems whipping to defeat it

Three decades ago Democrats in congress rammed thru the "motor voter" act (The National Voter Registration Act of 1993), which ordered that everyone who applied for a driver's license would automatically be registered to vote.  Cuz...reasons.

The reason the Democrats passed that law was that they knew lots of dumbshits would vote Dem if they were registered, but the Dems knew many were too lazy to register.  

See?  Dem-ruled government knows how to rig the game.

So Dem-ruled states immediately set up driver's licensing so that everyone applying for a license would automatically be registered to vote.  Cool, eh?  Nanny government in action.

Wait...what about non-citizens?

"Don't worry your li'l head about that, deplorable!" the Dems bleated.  "We beez reel smaht, so we put a li'l checkbox on line 84 that says "I decline to be automatically registered to vote because I'm not a U.S. citizen."

Ah.  And do the Democrats who run the department of motor vehicle torture instruct non-citizens (both legal and illegal invaders) that they must check the box if they're not citizens?

Democrat DMV employee: "Whut?  Nah, bro, we not allowed to even aks whedder pipo iz citizens!  Duh bosses tol' us not to ask.  Said if we axed we'd be fired!"

SO...it's been estimated that well over two million non-citizens have been registered to vote.

Realizing that massive election fraud is now a Democrat game plan, Republicans in the House have introduced a bill called the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, which would require proof of  citizenship to vote in federal elections.

Most Americans think that's a reasonable idea, but the Democrats are quietly working to defeat the bill.  And with the House due to vote on the bill next week, the Dem leadership is mounting a maximum effort to defeat it.  Smart people would ask, Why?

Democrat-fellating website Axios bleats that "there is no evidence of widespread voting by non-citizens."  In which case I'd ask these lying sons of whores "How the hell do you claim anyone could know?  Ballots have no information showing who cast 'em, so once a ballot has been scanned--or dropped in one of the Democrats' cunning, unmanned "drop boxes"--there's absolutely no way to know who submitted that ballot.

The only way you can know is to ask non-citizens if they voted in any federal election.  But since all non-citizens know it's against the law for them to vote in federal elections, how many do you think will confess to breaking the law, eh?

Democrat: "If dey voted, they'd say so, cuz dey all vewwy vewwy honest pipo!  Dey wouldn' break ouah lawz, citizen!"

SO...if, as the sons of whores at Axios claim, no significant number of non-citizens are voting, why would the Democrats mount such a huge effort to defeat the proof-of-citizenship bill, eh?

It's cunning: they know that if it passes in the House, the senate will have to defeat it.  That puts Dem senators from battleground states in a tough spot if they vote no.

House Dems are in the same position, but at this point the bill hasn't become a big deal because it hasn't been passed by one chamber yet.  If the House passes it, it'll suddenly be a big deal.

Clever, cunning Democrats are really good at political maneuvering.

Democrat Media shill: "NOOooo, yew don' unnerstan!  We want honest elections, with only citizens voting!  Reeeally!  We jus' against this bill becuz...it too hard fo' ouah voters to get proof of citizenship."

Ah.  Too hard, y'say.

Democrat officials then added this horseshit:

This bill would create an "extreme burden for countless Americans" and "further intimidate election officials, and would "overburden states' abilities to enroll new voters."

How the hell would it "further intimidate election officials," or "overburden states' abilities to enroll new voters"?

That's utter, brazen horseshit.  But it sounds so scary, eh?  And Democrat reps don't have to worry about ever having to explain how either of those two things would happen, because no one in the Mainstream Media will ever ask for such an explanation.

Nice to have the Media covering for every bit of bullshit your corrupt party spews, eh? 

Source: Leftist cesspool Axios


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