July 19, 2024

MAJOR "glitch" affecting major Windoze computers causes huge problems; caused by buggy update?

A few of you may have heard there was  a "major internet outage" early this morning that caused several U.S. airlines to cancel almost a thousand flights before 8 a.m. today.  And that barely scratches the surface of the damage the "outage" caused.

So what caused it the "outage," eh?  Did something cut most of the communication lines?  Was it a really bad virus?  Not exactly, but you will never get a straight answer, because none of the parties involved want to be sued for all the losses and damage.

The "glitch" (love that soothing, harmless propaganda word, eh) seems to have been caused by a "Windoze update" of some flavor.  That's according to George Kurtz, president and CEO of CrowdStrike, who reportedly said "the problems could persist for some time."

Kurtz said his company was “deeply sorry for the impact that we’ve caused to travelers," claiming "The issue has been fixed on our end."  So it may be totally CrowdStrike's fault instead of Microsoft's.  I'm confident the truth will eventually come out, almost certainly before the next ice age.

“We’re just trying to sort out *where the negative interaction was,*” he said of the faulty update *that affected Windows PCs.*

Ahh, the "negative interaction," eh?  Is that the latest corporate/gruberment euphemism for a fuck-up?  Sounds SO benign, eh?

Earlier Kurtz said the "outage" was due to a “defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.”

Ahh, a "defect found in an update for Windoze hosts," y'say?  I'm...shocked!

In Alaska, state troopers said the "outage" blocked 911 calls across the state.

The "glitch" affected "some" computers at the vaunted, corrupt Department of Justice, temporarily delaying efforts to prosecute more Trump supporters.  But rest assured the "glitch" was just minor.  Oh wait...the DOJ's "chief information officer" said the issue is "significant" and there is no restoration time (i.e. they have no idea when they'll be operational again).

But don't worry, citizen!  The DOJ's spokes-liar reassures us that his agency "has actively been troubleshooting possible workarounds."  Good to know they haven't been sitting around, eh?

It's a cliche in the computer biz to NEVER install "updates" from Microsoft when they first come out.  You should always decline "updates" for as long as your Windoze POS will allow you to--because half the time the "update" (mostly new ways to push ads onto your device, or give Microshit more info about you) is either buggy or vulnerable to exploitation (viruses).

I've warned everyone I know to not allow Microsoft to force your computer to install its crappy "updates and patches" and assorted ad-ware.  But it seems almost impossible to stop the rat-bastards.

I've tried.  Thought I had it solved by deleting entire folders they download the "updates" to before they're installed, but the sons of whores have found a new way.  I'm testing the theory that even if you turn your computer off at night, Microshit has the ability to turn it back on at 3 a.m. to install its shitty, buggy, spying "updates."   

Oh well.  More war.  And fuck Microshit. 




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