July 09, 2024

biden regime opposes House bill to require proof of U.S. citizenship to vote for president

Yesterday the biden regime issued a statement saying it "strongly opposed" a bill in the House called the "Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act,"  which would require proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in federal elections.

(Since the Constitution says states run elections as they see fit--subject to federal rules--non-citizens would still be allowed to vote for state offices and on state "initiative questions" if a state is that dumb.  Oh wait...Democrat pols want non-citizens to vote, cuz they tend to vote overwhelmingly Democrat.)

Now, Democrats and communists want non-citizens to be allowed to vote for our president.  But if you're a U.S. citizen who's NOT a communist or a Democrat or "proggie" shill, you almost certainly do NOT want non-citizens to vote for president, eh?  So biden's handlers know they've gotta come up with some superficially plausible reason to oppose what should be a very popular bill.

So what they came up with was to bleat that  "dis bill is absolutely not needed!  They bleat that 'States already have effective safeguards in place to verify voter eligibility."

That's a brazen, easily-proven lie.  For over 30 years shithole Democrat-ruled states have used the "motor voter" law to allow hundreds of thousands of non-citizens to automatically be registered to vote when they apply for a driver's license.

Then later laws allowed non-citizens to be automatically registered to vote if (when) they applied for food stamps or any type of welfare.

You may be surprised to learn that.  It doesn't seem remotely reasonable, eh?  But it's true: the Democrats have known for over half a century that poor people vote Dem because Democrats promise them more free shit.  So the LAW automatically registering 'em to vote was camouflaged as "Po' citizens be workin way too hard to have time to go to duh precinct to register to vote, but dey NEEDS ta vote, cuz...dey votes fo' ouah Party.  So we gon' hep 'em save time, eh?  An' ain't no pol gon' object to heppin out da po', right?"

Okay, but does anyone at these agencies require applicants to show proof that they're U.S. citizens?

Hahahahahaha!  You're kidding, right?

So between that and "motor voter," millions of non-citizens--including those who are illegally in the U.S.--are now registered to vote.

So the biden regime bleats that "it's already against the law for non-citizens to vote."  Yeah, well, it's against the law for illegals to waltz across the border too.  Did that stop 'em?  Murder is against the law.  Does that deter murderers?   Apparently not, eh?

Finally the regime bleats "The evidence is clear that current laws to prevent non-citizens voting are working as intended."

But the truth is, the regime has no idea.  Every election literally hundreds of cases of non-citizens voting are discovered, then quickly plea-bargained away, or only punished with probation.  The Mainstream Media claim the number of fraudulent votes the perps admit to casting is never enough to make any difference in the outcome.

Okay, if there are no other fraudsters other than the ones you just caught, sure.  But how can any rational person be confident that the feds have caught all the non-citizens who voted, eh?  Let alone all the vote fraud by Democrat citizens.

There's no way to know, because once a ballot is accepted, there's no way to tell whether it was cast by a U.S. citizen or a non-citizen, eh?

See, you unconsciously knew that, right?  "Secret ballot," eh?  But most people don't think about things like that.  "Too arcane," right?  It's like worrying about the reliability of electricity or water: you just take it for granted that it won't even be a problem.

SO...Democrats have fired a shot across the bow of congress that anyone who votes FOR the bill will be a target.  Of course even if it passes in the House, it won't pass in the Democrat-controlled senate, but Democrats would rather kill it in the House if possible, since this prevents Democrat senators in battleground states from having to vote against it.

But hey, don't worry, citizen!  Duh Dems have tol' ya dis' bill is NOT needed, cuz it already against duh law fo' non-citizens to vote in federal elections, right?  An' laws is laws, eh?

Making everyone show proof of citizenship to register to vote is far better than just trusting Dems to obey laws. 

Oh, and for those who believe this is all fake, take a look.

Regime "policy statement"



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