July 06, 2024

"Biden must be removed from office and Harris sworn in as president."

A nominally Republican writer has shown the Democrats the easy way out of their current controversy over biden.  You'll love it.

Margot Cleveland says the school solution is for the Democrats to use the 25th Amendment to give joe the chance to bow out.  The 25th gives him the option of taking the noble exit by saying he's "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."  This gives him the chance to go out by doing something positive for both his party and the nation, eh?

If he refuses, the Dems get a majority of cabinet chiefs to force him out under Section 4.  And of course the VP has to agree.  Oh wait, y'say Cackles already signed?  Shock.

So which do y'all think joe will do, eh?  Under the terms of the 25th all Cackles needs is a majority of the cabinet to agree, and she takes over.  Is this a great country or what? 

Any guesses on which cabinet members loathe Cackles enough to stick with biden?  I didn't see anything in the 25th specifying secret ballots, but if not, and there aren't enough votes to remove joe, can you imagine the frosty atmosphere at the next cabinet meeting?

Of course like all preznits Biden has an army of staffers who can—and likely have — made decisions on his behalf.  So my guess is that Team Biden would argue that "Hey, everyone has a few minutes in their day when they haven't quite awakened yet, eh citizen?"

Author Cleveland likes using the 25th because by removing joe from office in the next two weeks or so, Cackles would automatically assume the powers of the presidency, putting her in perfect position to replace Biden as the Party's nominee.

This would solve all the problems of who to nominate.  Since Harris would already be the acting president due to the 25th, she'd be a nearly automatic choice.  So instead of fighting over who to nominate, using the 25th would allow the Dems and their Media allies to spend the next four months writing stories slobbering over the allegedly faaabulous skills of their cool new young candidate, un-tainted by charges of corruption.

And did we mention young?  The Dems win back young voters, defecting black voters and independent female voters.

If the Democrats wait until the convention to try to replace biden, that would likely trigger a huge floor fight on who to nominate.  Even if the Dems have more capable candidates, black female delegates have vowed to "blow up the Party" if the Dems don't pick Harris.  With Harris already "running the country" it would be far easier to persuade other delegates to nominate her.  

Author Cleveland claims "the Democrat Party will be tarred for years by its efforts to prop up Joe Biden."  Nonsense.  For anything that happens outside their own state most Americans struggle to recall national events as recently as six months ago.

One thing's certain: Republicans would be foolish to think this temporary dust-up the Democrats are having will prevent fraudsters and "activists" from dumping tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots into unmanned "drop boxes"--200 at a time--in the crucial battleground states—even if they have to re-print and re-mark all of 'em. 

Source: The Federalist



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