July 06, 2024

Dem governor of Dem state says biden "saved our precious democracy." Zero media pushback

Ahh, nothing so impressive as The Big Lie, eh?  Here's the female Democrat governor of the Democrat shithole of Massachusetts, Maura Healey:

"President Biden saved our democracy in 2020 and has done an outstanding job over the last four years.

Ahh, so Healey claims biden "saved our democracy in 2020," eh?

And the hoot is, no Media organ will call this statement as being a brazen lie.  It's merely "an opinion," and...y'know, free speech.

Yes.  Problem is, every Mainstream Media outlet supports biden and the Democrat party.  So if a conservative governor said "Biden is destroying the United States," you'd never see that statement in the Media.  The only place you'd see it would be on the Net, and then only until the Democrats institute a ghastly "policy" soothingly mis-named "Net Neutrality."

Democrat: "Nuffin wrong wit dat!  Ebrywun love neutrality, right?"

Yeah, well...what the Dems actually proposed was that if someone wanted to post a political opinion on the Net they'd have to have a license to do that.  See?  Just like the government demands that people have a license to drive, right?  Perfectly reasonable, citizen.

Me: "Uhh, okay.  Where do I apply for this license?"

Democrat: "Easy: Just fill out this simple application--barely four pages long.  Questions like 'Have you ever posted anything on the Net critical of the government, or the Democrat party?'  'Do you own a gun?'  'Have you ever posted anything critical of a Covid vaccine, or of the order that all children had to be vaccinated to attend school?'  Easy stuff."

Me: "Okay, then what?"

"Then you mail the completed form to the Directorate of Internet Security in Washington. If they approve your application, just send them a check for the totally nominal fee, and you'll have your license to post."

Me: "Great!  Uh...what's the fee?"

Democrat: "Well that hasn't been finalized yet, but discussions suggest somewhere around $25,000--which is no problem for a real 'news organization' like the NY Times and WaPo, right?
   Oh, y'say you're an individual blogger and can't afford that fee?  Ohhhh, SO sorry!  But we're being, like, totally fair, by applying the same fee to everyone, citizen!  Same fee for everyone, right?  Cuz dat beez 'democracy in action,' eh?  Surely you wouldn't demand special treatment, right?"

Me: "Um...I thought the First Amendment said Americans had 'freedom of speech."

Bureaucrat: "Of course you have that, citizen!  You're free to go to any park or street corner and say anything you want!  Well, almost anything.  Can't say anything against trannies, or school boards, or critical of open borders.  That's not because of us.  That's a Homeland Security rule.  But other than that, totally free, citizen.
   See, governments own the internet.  Everyone agrees that we can't let people transmit a radio or TV signal without the government's permission, so this is the same thing, right?"

And there ya go, citizen.  The gruberment owns the Internet.  Duh CISA sed so, an' dey runs ebryt'ing.  So there ya go.  But yew kin easily apply fo' a license--permission--to post your silly opinions on the Internet.  

But be aware that if yew post something we don't like, we'll yank that license in two seconds.  And there goes your $25,000.  But don't worry: yew kin appeal that ruling to duh DHS Directorate of Disinformation."


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