July 05, 2024

Dem shill-rag Axios has more inside info after interviewing Democrat insiders

Hope you had a fun 4th, cuz now we're back to serious business.  At least some of us.

And here's the most serious: Democrat shill-rag Axios says they have "the inside word" from the Democrats: If the Party can talk biden into stepping down, the question is who gets the nomination.  And black females are threatening to blow up the Party if it nominates anyone other than Cackles.

Think on that for a minute.  If you're reasonably intelligent, can you imagine Cackles as preznit of the U.S.?  

So...if biden steps aside, the Dems will be scared to nominate anyone but Cackles.  Black Rep. James Clyburn, a Biden campaign co-chair, said "The party should not do anything to work around Ms. Harris.  We should do everything we can to bolster her."

And if biden continues to refuse to step aside, and the steal machine wins for the Democrats...Cackles is virtually certain to become preznit.  Here's Axios again:

Party insiders tell us the drama in all these scenarios would electrify an exhausted, disconsolate party, and would engage a nation that otherwise would be tuned out for the summer.

Ahh, "a nation that otherwise would be tuned out for the summer," y'say?  Sounds like what you really fear is that your party needs help, cuz conservatives are definitely not tuned out.

Top Democrats say that after a contentious public fight they'd end with a ticket featuring two faces much younger than Trump (78), probably a man and a woman, getting massive free public attention — then a surge of donations.

Sounds like a sure win, eh?  "A man and a woman" is such a diplomatic way of getting readers to interpret that whatever way pleases 'em more.  Cuz if Cackles is the nominee--which she has to be to keep the black females from "blowing up the party," she'll definitely choose a male VP running mate, eh?  How about the brilliant Cory Booker?  Hakeem Jeffries?  Cornell West?

Axios claims "Given the amount free media, the new ticket would simply need enough money to flood the seven swing states."  And of course the money would be pouring in, from all the big donors who will be totally delighted to have Cackles as president either way, eh?

This just gets better and better!

Source: Dem rag Axios



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