July 04, 2024

Dem shill site Politico continues to perform damage control.

As the biden campaign scrambles to calm nerves about the president’s debate performance, congressional Democrats are increasingly worried that the controversy about whether to try replacing biden could hurt their own chances of winning House and Senate majorities.

Congressional Democrats are already having conversations plotting how to win control of one or both chambers to block Republican bills if Donald Trump wins.

Top party leaders are still totally behind Biden, claiming he's perfectly fine, competent and the party’s best choice for November.  No one wants to be first to suggest that biden step aside, fearing that might just make him more determined to stay on.

But the real determining factor may be out of the Democrats' control: It's that they can't nominate anyone to replace biden.  They could easily find a candidate with a higher approval rating than biden, but black Democrats have threatened to "blow up the party" if party rulers choose anyone except Kamala, knowing that if biden should win, Cackles will be president.

Source: Politico



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