July 05, 2024

NY rag does damage control for biden

Last Saturday Porridgebrain attended an exclusive fundraiser at the home of a former Goldman Sachs executive (Phil Murphy) who's now slimed into the governorship of a Democrat shithole.

Here's a sample of what biden bleated:

“The fact is that Donald Trump is a genuine threat to democracy, and that’s not hyperbole. He’s a genuine threat. He’s a threat to our freedom, he’s a threat to our democracy, he’s literally a threat to America and what we stand for … Ask yourself the question: If not for America, who would lead the world?”

Well with all due lack of respect, it sure as hell isn't you, you corrupt son of a bitch.

So here's a Democrat-fellating, bit of propaganda from a Trump-hating New York mag:

"The question was posed as a reminder of the stakes of the November election. During his term in office, Trump had sought to retreat from America’s global commitments, abiding by a madman semi-isolationist theory of foreign policy that in Biden’s view and the view of many Establishment actors across the ideological divide had caused damage to the country’s reputation that will take a generation of stable leadership to undo.

Ah, a "madman, semi-isolationist theory of foreign policy," y'say?  Got an example, sparky?  

The shill bleats about a promise from Porridgebrain of a "return to normalcy after the aberrant rise of Donald Trump."  Ahh, "normal," eh?  Totally open borders, sex-change surgery for 12-year-olds, corrupt Democrat-ruled states taking kids away from parents if the parents oppose sex-change for their minor kids?  THAT kind of "normal"?

Ya gonna bleat that Trump wants to get the U.S. out of NATO?  Show us the video, you lying sacks of shit.  Gonna claim--again, as you lying sacks did for all four years of Trump's first term--that he "colluded with Putin" to steal the 2016 election from your corrupt darling, Hill-beast?

Gonna bleat that Trump is almost as old as biden, so if any silly voters think biden is senile, Trump must be that bad too?  Do you all think we're all fucking BLIND AND DEAF?

Do you think no one sees videos you don't censor?  You've claimed the vids are all "deep fakes" or "cheap fakes," but only brain-dead Democrats believe that.  See, when 20 different cell phones post the exact same video on the Internet, from 20 different angles, do you really expect people to believe that's an amazingly elaborate fake?

Your stupid Democrat voters do.  Guess that's all you need, eh?

Now: All of us are victims of time; when you get old, things start to fail.  So I don't hold biden's age against him.  What I do hold against him is his utter, life-long corruption.  But even more, what I hate (with a white-hot fury) is the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media, like the corrupt propagandist who wrote the piece quoted above--and all his corrupt allies.

There is no fate painful enough to punish you for what you've done.  By supporting the utterly corrupt, anti-nuclear-family, anti-cis-male, anti-Christian Democrat party, you have destroyed this nation as totally as a war.

Source: "Intelligencer"



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