July 05, 2024

Wonder what the editors of this influential, serious U.K. magazine meant by this cover?

For young Americans: "The Economist" is an influential magazine in London.  Serious issues only, no fluff or filler.

For Democrats: What do ya think the editors of the Economist are saying with this cover, eh?  Cuz y'all have been absolutely assuring voters for over three years that because biden is prezzie all foreign countries respect the U.S., eh?  Must have heard that 500 times in the last three years.  "Under biden we're TOTALLY respected by other countries!  Yep yep yep.

Democrat: "Yes, dat totally right.  Cuz see, Orange Meany say he gon' close our border, an' not let Ukraine join dat faaaabulous NATO, an' deport illegal aliens, an'...yew get duh picture, eh?  By contrast, biden said totally reasonable, diplomatic things like "If Russia invades Ukraine their Nord Stream pipeline will be no more," which was not at all dangerous or reckless but was actually VERY diplomatic and smart.  See, Trump lies, while all joe does is "embellish" just a tiny, tiny bit.  Yep yep yep.  An' because he's very elegant and grandfatherly, people find "embellishing" totally entertaining."

"So we have no idea what the editors of the Economist meant by this cover pic.  Wait, maybe it was that both parties in the U.S. have nominated elderly men who can't even read a teleprompter.  Yeh, dat's it."

Second Democrat: "Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Dis not duh cover of the Economist!  Dis beez a 'cheap fake'!  Yep yep yep!  Or maybe the Economist is a satire mag, like the Onion or the Babylon Bee.  Yeh, dat's it."


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