July 04, 2024

New York Times goes into full damage-control mode for biden and the Dems

The day after the debate, the NY Times printed an editorial saying biden should resign. But now they've figured out (or more likely, have been told) that the New Plan is to support biden all the way.

The reason is that even if the Dems can't create enough fraudulent ballots to steal the election, billing the election as "deadlocked" will get more Democrat voters to turn out, which will help the crucial down-ballot races for congress that will likely give the Dems control of at least one chamber of congress, enabling 'em to block all GOP bills and Trump policies.

Thus we have a masterpiece from the Times, by four "White House 'reporter.'"  The headline purports to express worry about biden.  But what follows is 20 'grafs of what faaaabulous shape he's in--how he has this totally grueling schedule that exhausts his far younger staffers.  Example:

Like many people his age, Mr. Biden, 81, has long experienced instances in which he mangled a sentence, forgot a name or mixed up a few facts, even though he could be sharp and engaged most of the time.

Love the line "Like many people his age."  Ah, didn't know we were now limited to picking 81-year-olds as nominees!  Of course we're not so limited.  The shills are simply trying say "he perfekly normal for his age, folks."

...being in good shape — alert, coherent and capable, engaged in complicated and important discussions and managing volatile crises. They cited example after example in cases where critical national security issues were on the line.
   “He’s inquisitive. Focused. He remembers. He’s sharp,” said biden’s domestic policy adviser.

Hey, I'm totally reassured, citizen!  All those videos of Porridgebrain inventing 12-syllable words were just...what did Karine JP call em?  Oh yeah: "cheap fakes."  Yep yep.

Oh sure, the "sharp, focused" biden may have referred to the president of Egypt as the “president of Mexico,” but he was just being humorous.  He knows Egypt isn't Mexico, eh?  Egypt is up by...uh...Belgium someplace, right?

Re the debate, the Times shills bleat

Had he not been crisscrossing the globe so frequently—including leaving Italy for a trip spanning nine time zones to a fund-raiser in Los Angeles—would it have made a difference?

Ahh, phrasing it as a question insulates the Times against being called idiots.  "Wuh, we din' ackshully SAY it would have made a difference.  We jus' axed if it would have!  See?"

And then the Times shills trot out their counterattack:

Mr. Trump, 78, has also shown signs of slipping over the years.  He often confuses names and details and makes statements that are incoherent.  He maintains a lighter public schedule than Mr. Biden, does not exercise and repeatedly appeared to fall asleep in the middle of his recent hush money trial. His campaign has released only a three-paragraph health summary. Voters have expressed concern about his age...

Ahh, "voters have expressed concern about [Trump's] age," eh?  Do you Dem suck-ups at the Times really think we don't see video after video of Trump speaking for two hours at rallies, sometimes two rallies a day?  Introducing a dozen state congressmen or local officials, by name, without notes?  Do you moronic shills really think printing utter bullshit like claiming Trump "maintains a lighter public schedule than Mr. Biden" will convince anyone but your own dim-witted readers?

Source: NY Times



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