July 04, 2024

Black female Democrat convention delegate: "If DNC chooses a white male we'll blow the party up"


You really have to see the video of this woman's angry rant to grasp the full implications.  

Cackles isn't black: her mom is from India and her father is Jamaican, but of course that unhelpful fact has been carefully buried by your Media.  The Democrats wanted to nominate a black female, so the Media obediently claimed she was black and that was the end of it.  No pesky fact-checking on THAT lie, eh?

SO...both bidens--joe and Jill, who's actually making the decision--are adamant that joe won't step aside.  And almost all Party bigwigs, and the entire Media, are circling the wagons to support that.  But a few stubborn holdouts claim biden can't win, so they need to force him out and choose a more capable nominee.

The entitled black woman in the video says that if the Democrat rulers nominate a white male, she and her friends will "blow the Party up."

Seriously.  Watch the damn video.

Interestingly, she doesn't propose replacing Porridgebrain with Cackles--because if biden should win, when he croaks or is deemed incompetent by the 25th, Cackles will be president.  Dat's duh win, eh?

She's clever enough to realize that not even the rulers of the Dem party are stupid enough to choose Cackles as the nominee, so she's all for biden staying in, since IF he wins, she wins.

Interesting times.  


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