June 24, 2024

Wokie Canadian judge awards a man claiming to be female $35,000 after *women's* salon refused to wax his...male parts

Jun 23, 2024

One of the many ways totalitarians control "deplorables" (i.e. ordinary citizens) is to pass thousands of laws and "rules" [excuse me?  Who makes up these damn rules?] and then fining, imprisoning or otherwise punishing people the rulers don't like when they break one of those "rules."

Examples are everywhere.  For instance, many U.S. states have passed laws saying they can take your minor child away from you if you don't agree to let the state put that child on sex-changing hormones, or any other aspect of the tranny mafia's assortment of sex-changing horseshit.

Merely walking by the Capitol building on Jan 6, 2021, has resulted in prison sentences for many people the regime doesn't like.

In Washington State the EPA fined a man for collecting rainwater that fell on his roof.  Yes, seriously.

Dozens of farmers have been prosecuted, found guilty and fined for plowing land their families have owned for a century, in a way the EPA didn't like.

Of course you don't believe any of that, and frankly I'm getting tired of trying to wake you up.  If you don't believe it, either do your own damn research or fuck off.  I don't care.

The case today involves Canada: Six years ago a man pretending to be female walked in to a "women's salon" in Ontario and asked for a "wax job."  The only employee working that day was a devout Muslim woman, whose religion banned contact with male genitalia.

The employee refused.  The salon owner, realizing that trying to force a Muslim female to touch a man's genitals would cause the government's "human rights commission" to destroy him, told the tranny he wasn't able to accommodate his request.  Of course Canadian papers--fearful of being fined by the Trudeau regime--bent the knee and used "her request."

WELL...Muslims are normally very high in the Wokie grievance heirarchy.  But as you're about to see, trannies are even higher.  

So SIX damn YEARS after this supposedly awful event--and thousands of dollars in legal fees paid by the salon owner (but none by the tranny, since the State prosecutes FOR the tranny, since this is prosecuted as "hate speech" and "misgendering"), a judge in Ontario has ruled that the owner must pay the tranny $35,000.  

After fucking around for six years, the commie judge found the owner guilty of discrimination and "misgendering" the tranny, and ORDERED the owner to pay the amount in 30 days.  Cuz when someone up the political chain of vote-grifting puts a spur in the System's ass, suddenly everything goes into super-fast motion.

If the owner can't pay within 30 days, by LAW the Canadian court has the power to seize the owner's assets and income.

The business owner claims the tranny is lying about his request, claiming that he'd only asked for a leg wax.  The owner explained to the judge that his salon has never had a problem waxing the legs of trannies (of course the owner didn't use that term), but that the tranny didn't ask for a leg wax, but had instead for a "male Brazilian wax."

AHA!  The so-called "human rights court" used that comment to add a new criminal charge against the owner: "misgendering."

The tranny claimed that the owner's utterance of the words "male Brazilian wax" traumatized the po' tranny, by "opening up a public conversation about the status of my physical transition."

Now: Most of you understandably consider this much ado about nothing.  After all, it didn't happen here, right?  Why should Americans care what happens in Canada, eh?  After all, it's obviously their country, and if they voted for Trudeau and his merry band of socialist totalitarians, it doesn't affect us, eh?  

The point here--as noted at the top of this post--is that when a totalitarian government wants to take away your rights, it does it *all perfectly legally.*  Yep, everything the communists of the former Soviet Union did in sentencing opponents of the regime to the gulag was *all perfectly legal.*

Nazi concentration camps?  All perfectly legal by the laws of the ruling regime.
Alvin Bragg changing the law to permit a trivial misdemeanor charge to be prosecuted as a felony?  All.  Perfectly.  Legal.

So...outrageous laws and rules are NOT trivial. Instead they are telltales of a growing totalitarian regime.

Telltales of a bad direction.  A bad future. 




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