June 22, 2024

Cunning leftist attorneys have KIDS sue Hawaii, win $40 million from state taxpayers

Leftists in Hawaii found the perfect lawsuit: Warmies got 18 native Hawaiian *kids* to wail to the court that their right to a safe climate was being violated by people burning carbon fuel.

But if they'd sued to block all carbon fuel that would have generated too much pushback, so instead they found a Democrat-ruled state agency--the transportation department--that they knew would settle the case without trial--because the DOT knew the settlement would force taxpayers to fork over $40 million MORE tax dollars for public transit.  Win-win, eh?

One of the child plaintiffs wailed that burning carbon fuel "threatened to put their native lands underwater."  Another claimed that "extreme droughts and heavy rains"--both of which the leftists at EuroNews and Yahoo claimed (without evidence) were "caused by climate change"--reduced yields of native taro and threatened her ability to continue this sacred cultural practice.

Yes, citizens, no matter whether it rains or doesn't rain, the left wins.  All they needed was to get *native kids* to wail that *both* conditions put their sacred cultural pracitice at risk.

The state settled the lawsuit a couple of days before trial was to begin.  No word on how much the leftist attorneys will take of the $40 million settlement, but probably half.

And at that point you instantly see what is guaranteed to happen: leftist attorneys will repeat this in every other state, drafting kiddies as "plaintiffs," suing one state agency at a time--not to get the agency to ban gasoline (which it can't do) but just to force settlement after settlement.  

No state politician will have the courage to fight po' wittle kiddies wailng that global worming is destroying the planet.

The attorneys will make millions, especially after the ones in Hawaii got away with claiming that global worming causes *both* too much and too little rain, at the same time.

Ask an old farmer how often *exactly the right amount of rain fell* back in the 1950s.  Almost never.  But now, thanks to the communist rat-bastards who started this global warming shit (after "New Ice Age is about to hit! didn't work), juries will be instructed that normal variations in weather are really unprecedented, and caused by YOU driving your car and heating your home.

Of course many commenters suggested the obvious: cut the whole damn state off from ALL carbon fuels, and plastics.  Hawaii has no nuclear and no dams (there's a small amount of "flowing river" hydro), so almost 80% of its electricity comes from oil *imported from the mainland.*  So if that's cut off, most of the lights would go out.

California buys huge amounts of electricity from surrounding states--at a fabulously discounted price, from federal dams on the Columbia River paid for by your tax dollars.  That energy flows 850 MILES from the Columbia River to LA via a massively expensive line.  Your tax dollars paid for all of it, and it's what allows California to live without having to generate its own electricity.

But Hawaii--2,000 miles from the mainland-- can't do dat.  Ooohhh.  The cost of attorneys and kiddies DEMANDING that Hawaii not use any carbon fuel just got higher, eh?

Hahahahahaha!  Think any of the attorneys or pols or kids considered that?  Actually the state is probably already planning to wail to the feds to get 'em to give Hawaiians a few billion of your tax dollars to build solar and wind turbines.  But watching the local pols scream about the consequences of their own virtue-signaling would be fabulous entertainment.

Of course no ban on carbon fuel would be complete without banning...*jet fuel.*  That would kill 90% of the state's tourism since the only other way to get there is by ship.  Care to guess what percentage of jobs in Hawaii are supported by tourism?  Without jets, most of the state's jobs vanish.  Wheee!  Lotsa dominoes go down because the locals couldn't resist virtue signaling.

That would be a priceless demonstration.

Source: Lying Yahoo



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