12-year-old Houston girl murdered by...um...two "people." NPR and lib sites carefully omit...
If you're a Democrat either you don't believe the Democrat party has allowed 11 MILLION illegal, unvetted invaders not only to enter the U.S. but to go anywhere they want with no requirement for tracking or identification, OR you're fine with that.
Democrat: "Yes!! Dis guuud, citizen! All deez pipo jus' wantin' ta feed dere famblies! Or dey beez po' persecuted transgenders or gays, so dey had ta flee to duh U.S. to live!"
Oh you bet, sparky. And how's that working out? Well, in Houston another American girl--just 12 years old--was murdered by two...um..."people." Two "individuals." Here's how Houston's NPR affiliate "reported" it: (To Leftists the term "reported" means bleated pro-Democrat bullshit propaganda.)
>>Houston police on Thursday filed capital murder charges against two people suspected of strangling and killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.
21-year-old Johan Jose Rangel Martinez and 26-year-old Franklin Jose Pena Ramos were seen with Nungaray hours before her death. The men walked with the girl to the bridge where she was murdered and left in a shallow creek below.
The mother of the murdered 12-year-old told reporters “She was so young, just 12. They took my baby away. Now I have to tell her brother his older sister is dead.”
That story was "updated" today at 3pm. But somehow the story managed to overlook reports that the two alleged killers not only raped the 12-year-old, but were also...wait for it...*illegal aliens allowed into the U.S. by the biden regime.* The sons of bitches were "apprehended" by biden's border patrol just two weeks ago, and promptly released in 24 hours. Is that cool or what?
How the hell did other news media find this info, but the NPR/PBS affiliates all missed it?
Easy: They simply ignored it...because it would cost biden votes in November.
Own it, Democrats. Be proud of what your vote created--because that's exactly what it did.
By the way: The ghastly shithead Joy Reid sat down with the communist Seattle congresswhore Pramila Jayapal and the two *laughed* that after biden announced amnesty for a minimum of 350,000 illegals, Fox ran the story about the 12-year-old raped and murdered by two illegals.
Laughed. They called it "fear-mongering."
"Fear-mongering." I'm guessing that as the 12-year-old girl was being strangled to death by the two illegals, she was in fear. Of course Joy Reid would sneer at that. "Her death is sad, but it's more important that voters know that the border is, like, *totally secure."*
Of course if you're a Democrat, you don't believe ANY of this. "It all beez FAKE NEWZ!," eh? Take two minutes of your precious Democrat time to read the fucking links. This is just exactly like the Media lying that Hunty biden's laptop was fake..."Russian disinformation," eh?
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12-year-old rape victim murdered by illegals released by biden orders |
You people are SO stupid and lazy, and as a result you totally deserve everything that's now been set irrevocably into motion. While some of the awful outcomes could be eased a bit, the main results are no longer avoidable.
Wanna know see how thoroughly "your" beloved, trusted, oh-so-truthful Mainstream Media has protected you from the knowledge of what you've done? Easy: If you saw the story...
...what was the murdered 12-year-old's name?You have no idea, because the Lying Media is hiding this crime to help biden. Thanks, Democrats.
Here's the Daily Mail's version:
And here's how Houston's NPR affiliate covered for biden:
Here's how the leftist HuffPost covered for biden:
Starting to understand yet?
No, you're not. Because if you understood you'd be sobbing for your role in the murder of this 12-year-old by the illegals.
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