June 24, 2024

WaPo wails that "AI" is "exhausting the grid," then touts Microsoft as having the solution!

Hey parents (and grandparents)!  Got kids or grandchildren over 12 or so?  Want a great eye-opener about those kids, and what they're being taught?

Ask 'em what they think "propaganda" is.

Any bets on whether they've ever even heard the term--let alone can define it?

In the U.S. the Left has dozens of TV propaganda centers but just two main print centers: the NY Times and the WaPo.  You'll never see an article in either one that harms the Democrat party or praises Republicans.


Now: What do you know about "AI"?

Obviously you know the translation, and that it's the latest "cool topic," with dozens of stories posted about it every day.  You probably know that the stock of every company involved in AI is booming, up trillions of dollars, keeping the stock market at record levels, eh?

The Left particularly loves AI, for a reason probably none of you suspect:  If a computer says X, almost no one is willing to stand up and say "bullshit."

Think about it: How many people have you ever met who've had the balls to contradict whatever a fucking *computer* says, eh?

Now: take a corrupt, lying, scum-sucking son of a whore like Tony Fauci.  When Fauci said "Yew mus' wear a mask and stay six feet away from everyone else, if you wanna live!," only a tiny percentage of people said "bullshit," eh?

But Fauci is arguably human, so *might* be wrong, eh?  And to their everlasting credit a few dozen brave souls said "Tony, you're a lying, corrupt, incompetent son of a whore."

The biden regime (and the Left, and all totalitarians) did everything they could to smear and discredit those few who knew Fauci was a corrupt, incompetent, lying son of a whore.  And for three years--with the help of their fellators in the Mainstream Media--they succeeded.  

But finally the wall started to crumble.  The truth slowly started to come out.  People started to realize that *everything* Fauci said was a lie, to gain power and enrich himself.

So the Left went back to the drawing board (for young Americans that's an archaic, pre-computer expression meaning 'looking for a better way') to find a way to get even fewer Americans to argue with the Left and the Democrat party.

(For young Americans, "archaic" means old, thus out-moded, thus by inference useless.)

And lo and behold!  They found it: "Let's have *computers* play the role of Fauci!  Cuz no one will evah argue wif a computer, eh?"

(To be clear, I'm not at all saying Democrats invented AI.  Just that they're *very* good at finding new tools to help them retain power.)

SO now you have the background to understand the unexpected story from the leftists at the WaPo on June 21st, 2024, under the headline
>>AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle solution.>>

Sub-head: "As power needs of AI *push emissions up* and put big tech in a bind, companies put their faith in...[bullshit]

Now why would the utterly, totally leftist-fellating Washington Post write a story seemingly wailing that AI is...how did the headline put it?  Oh yeah: "exhausting the power grid."

I think even Democrats would agree that "exhausting the power grid" is a *very* alarming headline to rational people, eh?

(I may be giving Democrat voters too much credit.)

So if AI is the darling of both the Left and the stock market, why would one of the two flagship newspapers of the Left print a story worrying that their fabulous new tool is doing something worrisome?

Thanks for joining me this week.  Tune in next week for the answer.

Just kidding.  The answer is that the Post is about to push "miracle solutions" like "fusion."

Here's the first three 'grafs of the Post propaganda piece:
>>The mighty Columbia River has helped power the American West with hydroelectricity since the days of FDR’s New Deal. But the artificial intelligence revolution will demand more. Much more.

So near the river’s banks in Washington state, Microsoft is betting on an effort to generate power from atomic fusion — the collision of atoms that powers the sun — a breakthrough that has eluded scientists for the past century.

The tech giant and its partners say they expect to harness fusion by 2028, an audacious claim that bolsters their promises to transition to green energy....>>

<<Wow!  What the hell is this?

Yes, it's a Microsoft press release, cunningly disguised as "newz."

Picking 2028 as the "harness date" is close enough to get speculators to buy lots of Microsoft stock, but far enough in the future that if it doesn't work, no one will remember this forecast.  Perfect!

Now: I'm an engineer by training, and have followed the efforts of hundreds of billions of  tax dollars universities pried out of congress to crack the fusion problem.  In 50 years--after spending the better part of $500 BILLION dollars--they've built machines that have gotten fusion to produce more power than they ate up for...wait for it...one second.

But hey, everyone knows technology constantly gets better, and eventually humans will make it work.  Extrapolating the rate of progress--exponential, of course--I predict fusion will be commercialized in about 200 years.

Of course you don't believe that.  You believe whatever Microsoft's executives say, right?

Say, you don't think those guys have "stock options," do ya?  That would be worth nothing unless the price of the stock goes up?


There's an old saying in science and tech: "In hindsight, everything is obvious."

Source: Washington Post



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