June 22, 2024

Who are these girls? And what's their connection to the guys below 'em?

Just three of the hundred or so young girls killed by illegal aliens allowed into the U.S. by the biden regime and his merry band of rat-bastard Democrats.

Democrat voter: "Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Cannot be true, cuz I nevah heard nuffin bout none of 'em."

You bet, sparky.  It's like anything else: if YOU didn't hear about it, it didn't happen.

I suspect you could ask the parents of the murdered girls what happened to 'em.  Oh dat right: Yew gon' claim duh girls are all made-up by "right-wing extremists" to make biden look bad!  Yeh, dat it. 

Thanks, biden.  Thanks, Democrats.  His handlers knew exactly what they were doing when they opened the border to everyone in the world.


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