June 22, 2024

Ahh, another faaabulous success story for "wind power"

Chris Adlam (@cadlam) reports from Canada on the faaaabulous success our Canadian friends are having with so-called "wind farms:" 

Ontario's 2,000-odd "wind turbines"--with a claimed capacity of 5,000 megawatts (MW)--are currently producing just 37 MW.  That's not a typo.  The costly system is churning out less than one percent (0.74%) of its "nameplate capacity."

But at least duh wind turbines don't emit any dread carbon dioxide!  Oh wait...

John Pettimore (@JohnLeePettim13) claims a typical two-megawatt wind turbine contains 260 tons of steel.  [I think that's only true for the giant turbines with blades longer than a football field, but let's run  with his number for now.]  Making that much steel requires not just mining and shipping 300 tons of iron ore (hint for Democrats: mining and shipping uses carbon fuel), but ALSO 170 tons of "coking coal" to smelt the ore to actually make steel. (Hint: "coking coal" is coal, i.e. carbon.)

That "wind turbine" would have to last for 145 years--120 years beyond its expected lifetime--to generate as much energy as it took to build it.

Same for the CO2 it "saves":  If it lasted 145 years it would just break even with the amount of CO2 produced to make the thing.  Say, this sounds like the whole notion of paying for "wind turbines" to cut CO2--ostensibly to "save duh Erf!"--may just be--dare we say it?--a fabulous scam?  A hoax to fool people who don't know jack about science or engineering?

But of course none of that matters, citizen!  All that's important is that the stupid virtue-signaling, vote-buying pols who passed the laws that made "wind turbines" profitable for the makers were able to win your vote and get elected--which is ALL that matters to 'em.

So the question is, are we smarter than our Canadian friends?  Perhaps not, but at least most ordinary people aren't as corrupt as most pols.  But of course that doesn't matter since the biden/harris/garland/mayorkas/granholm/schumer/schiff/pelosi regime will do whatever the hell it wants.

Any questions?  Seriously, you Dems are welcome to challenge any of the above.  "It don't take 260 tons of steel!  Dat fake newz!"

Okay sparky, give us your figure.  Oh wait... you have no idea?  You just think it should be less?

Classic leftist "reasoning."  "We haz no idea--cuz maff beez raaacis'!--so we jus' go on how we think things should be.  An' if reality isn't duh way we sed, we demand that reality change to make us right."  

Why am I not surprised.


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