June 23, 2024

White House lackeys ORDER contractors to put up signs touting biden for funding projects

The White House is absolutely loaded with cunning, clever little pencil-dicks who seem to spend lots of time inventing ever-more-clever ways to spend tax dollars to help the Democrats win elections.  

Which, of course, violates federal LAW.  But of course the Dems don't care.

Latest example:

The White House has now ORDERED all contractors on projects ordered by the ghastly, utterly wasteful, pork-loaded "Bipartisan Infrastructure Law" to put signs around the project saying 

Project funded by President Joe Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Of course you never heard that, so it must not be true, right?  Hahahahahaha!

There's an actual federal law barring a regime from using tax dollars to help re-elect the regime.  But as has been amply demonstrated in the last 3.5 years, mere laws mean nothing to Democrats, who have found they can violate any law they wish.

Past public-works projects--ordered by laws passed by congress and paid for ("funded") by YOU, the taxpayers--haven't mentioned the president's name, because HE DIDN'T DO FUCK-ALL.  Congress passed the law ordering those projects, and YOU paid for them.

But if you're a staffer for a Democrat regime, you can ignore the Hatch Act and force contractors to put up signs bragging about how the great Porridgebrain "funded" all these projects.  Wow.

Y'say you don't believe it?  Here are the detailed orders from biden's lackeys for putting up signs.  14 pages of detailed orders.  If you wanna save time (and your blood pressure from wading thru 14 pages of detailed chicken-shit), page five of the pdf orders contractors to credit Porridgebrain by name for funding duh wunnerful project.

(Better check that out ASAP cuz if this goes viral they'll take it down.)

In case a contractor didn't understand the highly-detailed instructions on page 5 (that's sarc), the clever pencil-dicks in the White House gave four specific examples in different "permitted" color combinations.

The "guidelines" (orders) also specify EXACT dimensions and letter heights for "Highway right-of-way" signs--with some dimensions to one one-thousandth of an inch!  Think I'm being sarcastic?  Take a look at a screenshot from that 14-page ORDER:

If you still think this wasn't an ORDER you're too fucking stupid to breed.  But no one will bat an eye.  Yes, a GOP senator called for an investigation.  It will never be done before the election.  You know it, and the too, too clever pencil-dicks in the White House knew it.  So these thousands of signs touting the Mighty Porridgebrain were a freebie.  The Dems know they'll never be prosecuted for violating the law against using tax dollars to support one party.

Think you'll ever see a WORD of this in the Lying Mainstream Media?  Of course not.  "Too dull, they'd sniff.  "Too arcane.  No one is interested in violations of the Hatch Act," they'd sneer.  "Americans don't even know what that law IS.  Too old!"

And yet you get all your news from them--meaning all the propaganda the regime wants them to show you.  Nothing the regime doesn't want 'em to broadcast.  They literally do exactly what they're told, lest they lose that precious access to Air Force One, or White House dinners.

You deserve everything that's happening.

Democrat: "Whut do yew mean?  Duh stock market is at near-record highs, prolly break all records next week!  Everyt'ing faaaabulous!  Only pipo who think bad stuff is happening are 'domestic violent extremists' who hate transgender kids and immigrants and claim prices are still rising!"




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