June 20, 2024

For Democrats who don't believe Democrat states threatened docs who prescribed an approved drug to treat covid

This is for all the terminally naive, unaware Democrats who simply DO NOT BELIEVE that any Dem-ruled state would threaten to fine doctors for prescribing a drug to treat duh Chyna virus that had been APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE DECADES AGO BY YOUR OWN DAMN FDA.

For the terminally stupid, since 1980 or so in this nation, doctors had been permitted to prescribe drugs APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE to treat diseases the drugs were not specifically approved to treat.  That's so well-known it even has a shorthand term: "Off-label use."

Ohhh, but dat wuz befo' duh Plandemic, before the biden regime ordered that every American who worked for a company with 100 or more employees had to take the jab or be fired.  It was before the biden regime bowed to the notoriously pro-Democrat teachers' unions and ORDERED that every child HAD TO take the jab to be allowed to go to school.

See, if there was an effective drug to treat duh Chyna virus, the whole scam would have collapsed.  No $50 BILLION to Pfizer, eh?  No tens of millions donated by Big Pharma to the Democrat party.  

Oooohh, can't have THAT, eh?

So read the letter below.  Letitia James is utterly, totally corrupt, just like former governor Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris...who, by the way, now says he's taking...wait for it...ivermectin.


See, you don't believe any of this because the Lying Mainstream Media never told ya.  So as far as you know it's not true, didn't happen.  Which is exactly how most people think...as the biden regime well knows.

The "reasoning" in the letter above is total bullshit--propaganda.  "Duh FDA hasn't approved dis drug to treat covid, so yew cain't prescribe it."  That's contra to U.S. law.  And about six months ago, after three doctors had their licenses revoked for prescribing it, and SUED the fucking FDA, that agency quietly admitted they acted improperly.

Ah, how kind of yew assholes.  Damage is done, perhaps half a million are dead who could have been saved if you hadn't been lying, corrupt scum.  But who cares, eh?  See, members of congress and FDA and CDC employees could get Ivermectin, just you and your loved ones couldn't.

If I'd lost a loved one to covid after these corrupt scum BANNED "ordinary Americans" from using it, I'd be out for blood.



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