June 25, 2024

Trump challenges biden to take a drug test before debate (Trump would too); biden's handlers refuse

Yesterday (Monday) former President Trump suggested that he and Biden should both submit to drug tests just before the debate slated for this Thursday.

Given the many examples on video of biden unable to complete a sentence and making up nonexistent words, Trump suggested the only way biden could get thru the scheduled 90-minute debate (with breaks) would be if he was "jacked up" on what are genteely called "performance-enhancing drugs."

Some sources claim biden spokes-lackeys said he wouldn't agree.  But interestingly, although several Mainstream Media outlets report on the challenge from Trump, not one did the obvious follow-up of reporting the response from biden's handlers.

Seriously.  Did they think readers wouldn't notice the lack of the obvious follow-up question, being "Did the preznit agree or refuse?"

The Democrat-fellating Washington Post didn't bother asking the WH for its response, but instead printed--under the ludicrous lie "Analysis":  

"No, Biden won't be on performance-enhancing drugs for the debate."
That's not even remotely a response from biden's handlers, but rather total speculation by the Post.

I could only find one story saying biden was refusing to take a drug test: ABC (the U.S. one) wrote "The Biden campaign quickly dismissed Trump's demand, saying he would not submit to a drug test."

Advice for Donald: Use the ABC "story" (or any other) about biden's lackeys saying he wouldn't take a drug test, and post it on Truth Social--and on two backup sites so the Dems can't do a "denial of service" attack on all three sites without it being obvious sabotage.

The 20-second vid should say "A competent person could get through a 90-minute debate without drugs.  Why did your president refuse to a drug test for both of us?"


That video would have 20 million views in a day.

The Media would want to sneer at the ad, but showing it helps Trump, so dey can't doodat.  And reporting the fact that there IS an ad, but refusing to show it, would immediately make viewers curious to know what the ad said.

The no-win for the Media would cause brain-fires.  Can you imagine how the talking heads would respond?

Of course the if the Democrats were smart they'd agree to a drug test, knowing they could rig the results.  Just like...oh wow.



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