June 26, 2024

"Newcomers" in Germany gang-rape a 14-year-old, get no jail time, but a mean text to one of the rapists does

Most Americans pay almost no attention to events in other nations.  One reason is that the Mainstream Media never report events that forecast our own future under the insane immigration policies of the Democrat party.

Specifically:  Germany, France, England and Sweden have all invited millions of foreigners to live in their countries and be supported by taxpayers.  Thanks to Democrats we're doing the same thing here.  And how's that working out for Europe, eh?  You won't believe it:

In 2020 in Hamburg, Germany, eleven "migrants"--or as the biden regime charmingly prefers to call 'em, "newcomers"--gang-raped a 14-year-old girl.

The rapists even used their phones to invite other "migrants" to come rape the girl, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in a dark park with no pesky witnesses.

As rapists often do, these rapists recorded videos of several of the rapes and shared their great coup with other "migrants" through social media, but the videos were deleted before the case went to trial.  But witnesses who saw the videos before they were deleted  testified that they clearly depicted sexual assault.

DNA evidence conclusively identified nine of the rapists.  Despite the DNA evidence, the team of 20 defense attorneys for the nine "migrants" men argued their innocence, claiming (among other things) consent.

But despite their team of 20 defense attorneys, all nine were convicted by the conclusive DNA evidence and testimony from those who saw videos of the gang rape.  So...finally some justice, eh?

Ah, I see you haven't been keeping up with trendy thinking among European "judges."

Eight of the nine men convicted of the gang rape of a 14-year-old received probation only-- no prison sentence--and walked out free.

But the outrage hasn't ended there.

The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the TOTAL lack of any punishment to the scum who raped her.  As a result, one of the men had his identity and phone number circulated on social media.  Can ya guess what happened?  Sure you can.

Angered beyond words by this horrific attack and the total lack of punishment for eight of the nine convicted rapists, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg texted the phone number posted for one of the rapists, calling him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.”

Can ya guess the next domino?  Sure ya can!

The convicted rapist reported the woman's "harsh" text to police.

And in the totally insane moral climate that now characterizes almost all of Europe today, cops charged the woman with sending duh po', totally unapologetic gang-rapist "insulting messages."

Apparently it's now against the law in Germany to send a pig rapist of young girls a text calling him a "rapist pig."  

In court, the woman who sent the text apologized, saying she acted reflexively after hearing the sickening details of the attack, and the total lack of punishment for 8 of the 9 convicted rapists.

It's worth noting that not ONE of the rapists has apologized, nor shown the slightest bit of remorse.

The woman who sent the text has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison.

Yes, it's a small punishment--but it highlights the bitter truth that corrupt German judges will sentence a woman to jail for sending a mean text while letting eight men who gang- raped a 14-year-old girl go free.

And if you think that's not coming here you're too stupid to remember to breathe.

Astonishingly, we're not yet done with the outrage.  Authorities in Hamburg are reportedly investigating 140 other people for "issuing insults...or other detriment” towards the gang of rapists.

Typical Democrat voter: "How is this relevant to us in the U.S.?  We don't have these kinds of problems!.  All the po' refugees ouah preznit welcomes to ouah nation are totally vetted, and would nevah do anything like the alleged 'incident' in Hamburg.
    No, I don't recall hearing about a 12-year-old Houston girl raped and murdered by two newcomers.  I think you just made that up.
    No, I don't recall hearing about a mother of 5 raped and murdered by a newcomer in Bel Air, Maryland.  I think you made that up.
    No, I don't recall hearing about a 13-year-old girl raped in broad daylight in New York City park by a newcomer.  You just made that up."

Democrat pol: "There is absolutely NO pattern here, citizen.  Die-versity is ouah strength!  We simply MUST allow anyone who claims to be fleeing hardship or persecution to enter the U.S. and go to any city, without positive identification or monitoring.  It's the only FAIR thing to do."




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