September 21, 2023

Escaped mental patient found wandering around the U.S. Capitol building

Wait, that's not an escaped mental patient.  That's John Fetterman, a Democrat U.S. senator from Pennsylvania.

Okay, seriously:  a few days ago the corrupt Democrat who rules the senate, Chuckie Schumer, abolished the senate's long-honored "dress code" SPECIFICALLY to allow the clearly brain-damaged Fetterman to appear on the senate floor in shorts and a hoodie.  Now Schumer has gone one step deeper, allowing Fetterman to preside over the senate in the outfit shown above.

Now let me show you why this is significant: 

Democrats bleat that because lots of Americans are wackos, those people have every right to join in governing the rest of us, just like Hahvahd graduates.  Fair enough--and the dumb Democrat residents of Pennsylvania apparently did elect him.  But the problem is, the cunning Democrat rulers keep waiving rules to cater to wackos.

Example: the biden/harris/Garland regime has ORDERED public schools to allow wacko trannies to use whatever bathrooms and locker rooms they want--penalizing normal kids in order to cater to the mentally ill.  Similarly, Democrats have wailed that it's just TOTALLY UNFAIR to require people to prove their identity by showing a photo ID before voting.  The "unfair" comes from the Democrat *claim* that it's "just too hard" for some people to get a FREE photo ID.  So the Dems have thrown the door wide open to election fraud by DEMANDING that we all cater to people they claim are somehow unable to get a photo ID.

Similarly, U.S. immigration law says you can only enter the U.S. under certain conditions.  But all Democrat regimes--and in particular the biden/harris/Garland disaster--have said "We don't want to follow that law, cuz IT JUS' NOT FAIR to deez po' pipo!"  And the Dems get away with it.

Short answer: Democrats wail that we simply MUST change every rule to cater to every group the Democrats think will vote for 'em--including crazies and brain-damaged people.  It's a policy that's supported by the 40% of American voters who are Democrats.  So where does it end?

Doesn't.  If you've ever wondered how the Roman emperor Caligula was able to appoint his horse to the Roman senate, now you know.


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