September 20, 2023

13-year-old car thief fatally shoots 23-year-old woman who tracked him down

In the Peoples' Republic of New Mexico, a lawless chickenshit 13-year-old thief stole a young 23-year-old woman's car.

The car had an anti-theft GPS tracking system, so the woman was able to track the car from her phone.  She called Albuquerque cops a DOZEN damn times, reporting the car stolen and giving the person working the phone the exact damn location, including whether the engine was running each time.

The clue there is that if the engine was off for an extended time, that's where the chickenshit 13-year-old thief lived or was staying.

Despite having the exact location a DOZEN TIMES, the cops couldn't be bothered to go to the location she gave the phone handler to recover her car--and hopefully to also arrest the thief.  The woman never even was connected to a cop, but was blown off by the corrupt call handler (not a cop, but paid to get info to 'em).

Understandably frustrated by the TOTAL lack of response from the Albuquerque cops, the victim borrowed another car, drove to the location and quickly spotted her car and the chickenshit thief.  She approached the car saying, in effect, "Get out of my damn car you worthless piece of shit."

Whereupon the thief, 13-year-old Marcos Barela, shot her dead.

Now: because New Mexico is a liberal state, totally ruled by Democrats, the murderer won't be treated harshly for killing the unarmed 23-year-old.  Instead he'll be treated gently, coddled, hugged, as if HE is the real victim.  He'll get a year or two in "juvie"--basically a non-punishing camp for young thugs, with good food, color TV and video-game consoles.  And at age 18 he'll be released to resume his criminal career.

This is where we're at in all Dem-ruled states (and some Repub-governed ones) today.   Every single day, minority teens fatally shoot unarmed victims, because there's no effective punishment--and the teen thugs all know that.  Marcos Barela knew that if he shot the victim there was a chance he'd get away--but if he didn't, he'd be facing a penalty no worse than for stealing the woman's car, because he was protected by his age.

This is absolutely guaranteed to get worse.  When there's no significant punishment for murder, you get more of it, because teen thugs know killing results in insignificant punishment.

Worse yet, the corrupt courts won't allow a single picture of this killer to be released, so we won't be able to identify him in future crimes.  And his juvenile record will be sealed, so future prosecutions won't be able to tell the jury about him murdering an unarmed woman in 2023.  Protect doze po' li'l tykes, right?  It not dere fault!  Dey jus' doin' it to feed dere fambleys, eh?

At least that's the horse-shit story pushed by the Mainstream Media to protect Democrats.



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