September 16, 2023

Wokie Dem leaders of L.A. make a deal to house homeless in tents, for bargain cost of...

If you made up a story like this five years ago, no one would believe it.  Yet here we are.  The wokie Dems who run California have built a "tent city" to house some homeless in L.A.--at a cost of $44,000 per homeless person.

Ah, but before you get upset, citizen, we want ya to know that deez ain't just regular garden-variety tents!  No sir!  Deez tents are on...wait for it...raised platforms!  And dey come wif' a full-size bed, an' lockers!

So now it's, like, totally understandable!  Cuz doze platforms must have cost at least fifty bucks apiece. Same for the lockers.  And let's say $300 for the tents themselves.  So we're looking at maybe $400 per homeless person, eh?

So what did L.A.'s wokie Democrat mayor force the city's taxpayers to pay, eh?  Yep: $44,000 per person.  But of course some of that went to providing free meals around the clock.  So chill, citizen.



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