"Miss Universe" organization bought by a male claiming to be female. Und you vill all zay real female!
You already know EVERY mainstream media outlet has totally drunk the tranny Kool-Aid, calling men pretending to be women "her" and "female." But you'd think at least one or two of the theoretically capitalist papers would have refused, eh?
Well here's a headline in the once-factual Wall Street Journal:
Miss Universe Is Now Owned by a Woman.
And the entire article uses female pronouns.
Just one little problem: the owner is a man pretending to be female. But you wouldn't know that from most of the Journal's story.
Convincingly female appearance--but then "female impersonators" have been around for many decades and from pics, some of them were very pretty. But still men dressing as women, not demanding that we believe they really were.
But this new group--the same people who joined Fauci to demand that we "listen to the Science"--is different, in that they demand that the rest of us agree that they really are female--because they say so.
"Hey, didja know ten times ten is a thousand? No, really! I've always felt like it was a thousand. So I demand that you agree. Cuz this be very very important to me. I feel it's true, so I demand you agree. And if you don't, I'll ask all my powerful friends to have you fired for...um...being hateful. Or intolerant. Whatever sticks. Are we clear?"
When the collective madness has seeped in this deep, it's gonna be a long slog to clear it out.
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