Dem mayor emails all *school teachers* asking 'em to offer extra credit to students who volunteer to help mayor win
Like all Democrat mayors, the mayor of Chitcongo, Lori Lightfoot, is a master of using the power of the office to give her a huge advantage over challengers in winning elections. In this case she sent an email all teachers in the city's public schools.asking teachers to ask their students if they'd like to volunteer to help Lightfoot's re-election campaign. Here's the email:
As the race heats up we're looking to enrich our office through what we call our externship program. Could you please share this opportunity with your students? 'Lightfoot for Chicago' is seeking resumes from any volunteer interested in campaign politics and eager to gain experience in the field."
(You have to love the freudian slip of "we're looking to enrich our office..." Oh, absolutely.)
The email adds that student participants in the “externship program” would be expected to contribute 12 hours per week to the Lightfoot campaign and that students could earn “class credit.”
Whoa! Where did that "could earn class credit" for volunteering to work to re-elect duh mayor come from, eh? Almost sounds like that was a disguised order from duh mayor. Wow.
The Chicago school board quickly huffed that they would be "investigating" that email. But it should be noted that unlike most other cities, members of Chicago's school board are NOT elected, but are appointed by...wait for it...the mayor. In other words it's a huge patronage job.
Needless to say, all members of the school board strongly support everything the mayor does.
A great question reports could ask is how Lightfoot's campaign was able to access the email addresses of all public-school teachers--something her challengers wouldn't be able to do.
But hey, no corruption here, citizen. Nope.
Lightfoot is a classic, corrupt, lying, hypocritical Democrat politician. "We're looking to enrich our office" indeed.
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