January 14, 2023

Emails from "discovery" in a huge lawsuit prove biden officials pressured social media to censor; MSM ignores

If you're an adult American of at least average intelligence, you should be well informed, eh?  If so, you should be paying attention to the ghastly crap the Democrats have been jamming down our throats since way back in 2015.

So I assume you're all aware of an explosive lawsuit filed by two states against the biden regime for pressuring "social media" giants to censor user posts the regime didn't want to allow you to see.

You ARE aware of that lawsuit, right?  So you know the two states, and the stunning revelations produced via the "discovery process," right?

Nah, unless you're an attorney working for the Dem party, you likely don't know anything about this--because virtually no Mainstream Media outlet has mentioned it.  (MSM: "Dat cuz it not important, dummy.  'Local interest only.'  Tempest in a teapot.  Grandstanding by wacky Republicans.  Just more crazy conspiracy theories by domestic violent extremists angry that their insurrection was foiled!")

We only know what's happening because at least for now, ordinary citizens can get copies of every response filed by the regime.  (You can expect the Dems will try to pass a LAW eliminating this as soon as they can find six RINOs in the House to vote with them.)

If you're not an attorney you may not be familiar with the legal significance of "discovery."  You've heard about the "Freedom of Information Act," right?  It allows ordinary citizens to ask the ruling party to pretty-please send 'em documents pertaining to some key phrase.  

FOIA is a great idea, and has forced the regime to divulge some things it wouldn't have.  The probem with FOIA is that the regime has a hundred ways of NOT complying with it.  One of the most obvious examples is when a president or SecState or EPA chief or similar high official has a secret email address.  That was true for Obozo, and Hilliary, and Obozo's first EPA chief.

So Citizen X asks the regime for copies of all emails from the official government accounts for those three corrupt rulers--and gets nothing useful because X doesn't know the name of the secret email address of each.

Another dodge in the law is "national security," and another is "executive privilege."  Many more.  So you can see how easy it is for the regime to stonewall FOIA requests.

But when a judge grants a plaintiff's motion to allow "discovery," failure to be honest can result in the judge penalizing dodgers, so the regime is usually more honest.

So...the lawsuit by the two states has produced stunning emails between key censorship enforcers of ALL the social media giants and dozens of officials in the biden regime.

We're talking direct threats here: "Why haven't you taken down this post?"  And "We'd like you to remove the following posts."  And "We'd like you to delete the following accounts."  And demanding that posts be removed when the post was a cut-and-paste from the CDC website.  Crap like that.

Yeah.  But duh Media still bleats "Your caring, wonderful Democrat leaders are NOT censoring anyone's right to free speech, citizen!  They would *nevah* do dat!"

The lawsuit began by looking at several topics that Plaintiffs claimed were being censored by social media *at the specific request of the biden regime*:  Hunter Biden’s laptop, election fraud, COVID, and vaccines.  But the initial round of discovery has uncovered evidence that the regime was demanding the social media giants censor posts on climate change and “gender disinformation”--specifically parents reporting that not only were their kids' school counselors pushing their kid to change "gender," but were refusing to notify the parents, much less ask the parents' permission.

Since the biden regime--and the entire Democrat party--have made trannies a top priority, they had a huge interest in NOT allowing parents (and voters) to learn what the regime was encouraging schools to do, hence the censor orders.

But if you're a Democrat, why should you care, eh?  I mean, Porridgebrain himself has yelled that "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated!"  And that if you took the jab, you *could not get* covid.  Fauci confirmed that, and the Media relentlessly pushed the lie, long after they knew it was a lie.

But hey, you don't care, cuz dey tol' ya you "needed" to take the jab, and that was the end of it:  You obeyed, and made your kids take it.  Who needs research when you believe duh regime would nevah lie to ya, eh?

Same story with Hunter biden's laptop, and Global Warming (cunningly re-named "climate change"), and massive election fraud.  The evidence is slowly dribbling out.  But you'll never hear about it.  So as far as you're concerned, none of it ever happened.

Wanna check the accuracy of that claim?  Okay, which  two states sued the Democrat regime?  

Yet another link. 


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