After 186 unsolved attacks on churches and pro-life centers, House Repubs introduce resolution condeming the attacks. Dems oppose it.
Heard anything about attacks on churches and pro-life centers since last May?
Typical Democrat: "Nah, there were rumors on far-right nutter sites that maybe 3 or 4 were attacked, but none of those allegations was ever confirmed. Just another right-wing conspiracy story! And you gullible Bible-thumpers believed it."
Yep, that's a typical response. Truth is that since the supreme court decision on Roe v Wade was cunningly leaked last May to fire up leftists to illegally demonstrate outside the homes of the six justices, to try to intimidate them into voting with Democrats, at least 78 pro-life groups and 108 churches have been attacked.
You won't be surprised to learn that the vaunted FBI hasn't been able to solve ONE of those attacks. Gee, ya don't suppose that inability to solve even ONE of over 186 attacks could have anything to do with the fact that the biden-harris regime supported the attacks, do ya?
So since the FBI was unable or unwilling to identify the arsonists and vandals who spray-painted obscene slogans and broke window, all that pro-life Republicans could do was to introduce a "resolution" in the House condemning the attacks. "H. Con. Res. 3," condemning the attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches, passed 222 to 208.
Of course the resolution has no legal effect, but simply condems the attacks as beyond the pale in a civil society (which we haven't had since 2020). So yeah, totally symbolic. But here's the interesting part:
Even though the resolution is symbolic, only three out of the 211 Democrats in the House voted for it. 208 opposed even this tiny, symbolic resolution opposing vandalism and fire-bombing attacks on churches and pro-life centers.
If vandals spray-paint the side of a pro-life center with threats like, “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” that would seem to be a civil-rights violation, but the regime seems totally unconcerned.
Of course that's because they ARE unconcerned. But if you peacefully protest on the sidewalk in front of an abortion center, you get arrested in two minutes.
Interesting double-standard, eh?
And if you wanna know how effective the Mainstream Media has been in slanting this issue to tar the SC decision, try asking your highschool kid if that ruling outlawed abortion in the U.S. Most of the college kids I talk to say that's what it did. But in fact it did no such thing.
But cunning propagandists can write stories that leave readers with the conviction that black is white. And yes, they do it deliberatedly, to help defeat Republicans and support Democrats running for congress. And it works.
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