Leftist Sciency mag bleats that violence of pro football disproportionately affects blacks. EEOC could easily fix that, but...
Well-informed American adults know what the EEOC is, and its mission, eh?
By contrast, young American you have likely never heard of that cunning communist agency of the federal government. So if you're a college-age reader you can learn a lot by asking your parents what they know about the EEOC. If they know, consider yourselves fortunate. Means you parents are competent.
The EEOC, of course, is the "Equal Employment-Opportunity Commission." And like most federal agencies, not only do we NOT need it, we'd be far better off without it. And of course your instant question is, Why would we be better off without it?
Answer is, regardless of the initial intent of congress, the EEOC has morphed into a communist agency.intent on extorting huge fines from businesses that don't do whatever the agency demands.
Of course you don't believe that for a second. You still think the government is truthful, honest and helpful. And I don't entirely blame you, cuz that's what the government and the Mainstream Media tell you, and you haven't lived long enough to see enough examples of what a total lie that is. Fair enough.
The EEOC was tasked by some LAW to ensure that blacks and other minorities weren't unfairly excluded from jobs. Okay, that's a noble goal. But what are the criteria for determining "unfairness"?
You won't be surprised to learn that congress didn't specify those criteria in the actual, y'know, LAW. Instead they left that determination to the leftist Deep-State bureaucrats that somehow manage to become 95% of all government employees. And those people have a very...let's say "expansive"...idea about their power to make companies jump through hoops to please the bureaucrats, by threating the companies with huge fines if they didn't comply with whatever the bureaucrats dmanded, under the guise of "fairness."
Like all federal agencies, the EEOC has gotten leftist courts to endorse its "hoops" by agreeing with agency rules on what "fairness" is. This is done by courts ruling in cases brought by the EEOC against companies. This "case law" has given the agency--as with all federal agencies--a huge rulebook of powers that congress likely never imagined, but that companies are stuck with.
For example, can an employer preferentially hire people who have, say, a college degree?
Can an employer preferentially hire people for customer-service phone jobs whose first language is English?
Can an employer preferentially hire people who haven't been convicted of serious crimes?
The answer to all three of these questions--according to case law in cases brought by the EEOC against companies--is no.
So for example, 20 years ago the EEOC sued a lighting company in Chicago, claiming the number of black employees at the company was less than the percentage of blacks in the local area. So the agency demanded the company pay a fine of $200,000 and hire a huge number of blacks.
The company knew they had more blacks on staff than the percentage stated by the EEOC as living in the "local area" (define local, assholes), but the agency wasn't accustomed to having a company not grovel and quickly obey their demands, so the agency sued the company and levied the huge fine.
The company fought back, and was eventually able to show the court that it had MORE black employees than the percentage demanded by the EEOC. Case closed.
Relevance: There's one area where the EEOC is totally happy to ignore their RULE that the number of a company's employees has to match the racial makeup of the local community: professional sports.
Yep. The NBA is 98% black. NFL is 70% black. And even though blacks are only 13% of the U.S. population, the EEOC is totally fine with both leagues. See, it's only a problem if there aren't enough minorities. Having a far higher percentage of blacks than their percentage of the population is just fine.
By contrast, the NHL is 95% white, and the EEOC is beginning to bleat that this is just AWFUL, that the NHL needs way mo' DIE-versity. And they'll eventually pressure the NHL into surrendering to avoid a massive fine.
So: There a U.S. magazine called "Scientific American." And as you'd expect, its staff is TOTALLY "wokie." So they just ran a piece on "violence" in the NFL. And you'll never believe what they wrote.
Yep, "The 'terrifyingly ordinary' nature of football's violence disproportionately affects black men." See, that's because 70% of the players are...wait for it...black. So naturally, obviously....you get it.
Hey EEOC dweebs, here's a great chance for ya to be consistent with your absurd demands that the racial composition of a company's employees match the makeup of some wider population. Since the NFL hires from all over the country, that would mean the NFL couldn't have more than around 13% of black players, right?
So if you bureaucrats demanded proportional hiring--which you've always insisted on before--it would solve the whine raised by the woke pencil-dicks at Scientific American that the violence of pro football disproportionately affects black men. The Scientific American bleat has given you a perfect chance to be consistent with your longstanding RULE about employee ethnicity matching the population. AND you'd win plaudits from the "woke" crowd for solving the *terrible, awful, ghastly* problem of the sport's violence disproportionately affecting blacks.
Hmmm...wonder if the wokie bureau-weenies at the EEOC will act on this AWFUL unfairness, eh?
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