January 15, 2023

Taliban murder female former member of parliament in Afghanistan; U.S. feminists & media totally silent

Yesterday in Afghanistan, a group of gunmen murdered Mursal Nabizada--a 32-year-old woman who had been a member of that nation's parliament when American military forces gave that nation almost two decades of reprieve from the brutal rule of the (Muslim) Taliban.

In the two decades of US occupation of Afghanistan, women began to occupy prominent positions in that country, iwith many becoming judges, journalists and politicians.

But with the disastrous biden-"organized" pull-out of U.S. forces, Taliban thugs quickly forced women out of almost all areas of public life, banning them working outside the home, and even from secondary and higher education.  
They even banned women and girls from public parks.  And following Muslim teaching, the Taliban have also ordered women to wear the black, body-shrouding burqa.

Of course you won't hear a word about the murder or anything else about the plight of Afghan women in U.S. media, cuz...might make duh Taliban look bad.  Which might reflect poorly on duh bidenharris regime.

Here's another non-surprise:  American feminist groups won't condemn the murder, or the banning of women from work and education and parks--for the same reasons.  

So next time some feminist group bleats that they're all about womens' rights, ask 'em why they were totally silent about this murder.  Their response will tell you everything you need to know about their true agenda.


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