What's "mpox," and how did that previously-nonexistent term suddenly come into being?
Leftists have known for a century or so that one of the most effective ways to control how people think is to control language.
If you're a young American--or just non-political--you probably have no idea how effective this is, or how thoroughly the Left controls "permitted" language. To give a recent example, many Americans regard "pedophiles" as bad people. They don't want such people teaching their kids, or controlling the content of videos and movies aimed at kids. So the Left's solution is to pressure the Media to stop using the word "pedophile." Instead the Left urges "reporters" [sic] to use "minor-attracted persons."
So now today's example: If you're well-informed you've heard about a virus called "monkeypox." It got its name because scientists first observed the pox-like disease in African monkeys,
But "health officials" in the shithole known as New York City unilaterally decreed that this was somehow "stigmatizing." Which the Left automatically translates as "harmful to the stigmatized group."
Wait...I wasn't aware that monkeys had developed the ability to read. Maybe they just listen to NPR. Yeah, dat's it.
But seriously, why would NYC "health officials" bleat that the accurate term "monkeypox" was "stigmatizing," eh? Surely the monkeys haven't objected.
If you don't know I'll tell you the answer in a minute. But first let's note that the folks who demanded that "monkeypox" not be used needed more clout to help them force the end of that term. So the Leftist (communist) head of the WHO--an Ethiopian non-MD who was installed by China--has now made it official WHO policy: from now on the monkeypox virus will be known as...wait for it..."mpox."
Monkeys all over the globe immediately wrote glowing articles for the Atlantic praising the enlightened leadership of WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
But seriously, why would humans be "stigmatized" by the term "monkeypox," eh?
It's because the disease has now spread to one specific group of humans: male homosexuals.
So finally it all makes sense, eh? This is the SOLE reason for the name change. There is no other. The Left glorifies and protects gays, so when gays objected to a term they didn't like, the Left quickly moved to change the permitted language. And the Mainstream Media instantly made that order official Media policy.
So it goes, citizen.
Oh, I hear my liberal friends sneering that this is "fake newz." "Tinfoil-hat" stuff. Really? Take a look at this politico article and count the number of times the "journalist" uses "mpox." Two years from now it will be almost impossible to link "mpox" and "monkeypox."
Mission accomplished.
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