Some techiques used by the biden regime to intimidate citizens into ignoring the question of vax deaths
I've watched the war between the biden regime and Americans skeptical about the covid vaccine since it began, and I've noticed that the regime uses some recurring techniques. See if you recall seeing any of those noted below:
* Regime to peasants: "You people--who don't know anything about Science--claim to have noticed lots of unusual deaths in young, fit Americans. Dis bees normal. You just *think* it's unusual. That's because any stories about such things are merely 'anecdotes' instead of actual "data." Our totally honest, competent federal agencies have NOT found any 'excess deaths' or unusual deaths."
* Citizens to regime: "The reason your vaunted agencies claim there are NO excess deaths among young people is that the CDC and FDA and NIH were the agencies that gave emergency-use authorization to inject everyone with the unsafe jab in the first place. So clearly those agencies have every reason to NOT find any unusual deaths from totally unexplained causes.
Also, your "president" ordered everyone to take the jab or be fired, so if that turns out to have killed 40,000 young, previously-healthy Americans you can see why no agency director would WANT his agency to look for evidence that this was a killer ORDER, eh? So forgive us if we're not convinced by your claims."
* Regime: "Even if young, fit Americans *were* dying for unexplained reasons, you can't prove that any of those people had been vaccinated. If they'd been vaccinated, reporters would say that in their stories. But the news reports never say that, so there ya go."
* Citizens: "Reporters work for liberal 'newz' outlets, and no liberal outlet will say a word against the biden/Dem regime. That's where the bitter term "fake newz" came from. But you people think it refers to liberal 'newz' organizations sneering at conservative websites."
Also, your CDC keeps records of who's taken the jab. So it would be easy for regime lackeys to fill in that critical piece of information, eh? The fact that no one in the regime has done so shows clearly that you're trying NOT to investigate."
* Regime: "Oh NO, we couldn't reveal vaccination status! Medical records are secret! Sacred! It's totally against the law to divulge anything about any citizen's medical records!
* Citizens: "Really? You think we've forgotten that the biden regime encouraged all the states to DEMAND that everyone show proof of vaccination to be admitted to restaurants? Seems clear that having to show proof of vaccination is revealing what you just said were sacred, secret medical records secret, eh? You sons of bitches constantly lie."
* Regime: "There are no excess deaths among young Americans. But even if you could show there *were,* and that virtually all those deaths occurred in those who'd been vaccinated, there is NO way to prove those were due to the safe, effective vaccine."
* Citizens: "That's interesting, because the government used statistical correlations to conclude that cigarettes caused lung cancer. Are you now saying statistical correlations can't be used to draw valid conclusions?"
* Regime: "Top government scientists like Dr. Fauci haf written za paypess zaying any excess deaths are actually due to za covid. Ve haf varned effreeone to take za latest booster. Zees deaths are caused by za covid, und zey are entirely among zuh citizens who haf refused to take zuh totally safe vaccine."
* Citizens: "Really? In that case you'd think the death certificates would say 'Cause of death: Covid-19,' eh? But the certificates say "Cause unknown." Do you have even a shred of evidence that young Americans who die had suddenly gotten covid in the last 24 hours--despite showing no symptoms?"
* Regime: "Let's move on. As our brilliant president has said, 'This is a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated.' And that 'If you take the vaccine you won't get covid, and you can't transmit it to others.' Surely you don't think your president would say those things if we in government didn't believe they were true, right?"
* Citizens: "I think we're done here."
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