December 04, 2022

Satellite data shows that as of mid-November more area was covered by snow than any time in last X years

Hey citizen what do you think our most dire, pressing, critical problem is?

  • millions of illegal aliens waltzing into the nation across our southern border?
  • plunging economy?
  • rising cost of basic needs like food, utilities, transportation?
  • insolvency of Social Security and Medicare?
  • crime in big cities growing exponentially?
  • illegal drugs--carried across our southern border--killing 120,000 Americans per year?
  • corrupt president, his son and brother?
  • China?
  • Nasty GOP legislators passing bills making it hard for po' trans kiddies to get "gender-affirming care"?
  • Democrat pols releasing accused murderers from jail in 24 hours, with no bail?

Well if you listen to the biden regime you'll find that the absolute, top-priority, worst problem facing Americans is...Globull Warming!

So it is with great joy that we present the graph below.  It shows the total area of the northern hemisphere that's now covered by snow for the past 56 years (which is when the satellite technology became available to allow this to be calculated)..

Source. NOAA 

Note the line for "2022-23."  You'll see it shows that as of mid-November snow cover was above the "max recorded" line.  For the typical low-info Democrat let me explain:  This means that as of late November of this year, more area was covered by snow than at any time in the last 56 years.

Typical Democrat:  "Whut?  Dis mean nuffin'."

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Your side only accepts data you agree with.  Just as we've always seen.  And here I was gonna give the biden regime credit for stopping Globull Worming.  But nevermind.  We know your side will NEVER stop wailing about Globull Worming cuz it would deprive you of the club you use to beat kids into submission to your dictatorial ORDERS.



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