December 03, 2022

Cali "commission"--appointed entirely by Democrats--recommends taxpayers pay HUGE "reparations" to...

If you're a college-age American (or younger) you may not be familiar with the term "trial balloon."  You need to know what that means.

It's how politicians test voters' reactions to some ghastly communistic idea.  They float the "trial balloon" by telling Democrat-loving "reporters" about it.  Reporters write glowing stories about this GREAT new idea.  (That's a joke: the ideas are always awful in their effect on hard-working Americans, but of course that doesn't mean a thing to the politicians.)

If there's not much anger/outrage and pushback, they know they can go ahead with whatever they proposed in the "trial balloon." 

Example: Politicians know that giving away "free stuff" is a sure vote-getter.  It's a bribe, of course, but no one objects--because the Mainstream Media doesn't say a critical word, and the minorities who get the "free stuff" are understandably delighted.  They then continue to vote Democrat, which was the entire point.

SO, with that background: The Democrat governor of California--and presidential hopeful--signed a bill into LAW a couple of years ago to establish a "commission" to study the issue of "reparations" for blacks.  The law ordered that the commission would have nine members, with some appointed by duh governor and some by the leaders of the Democrat-ruled state legislature.

If this effort had been designed to reach a reasonable result, the races of the members would have reflected the racial makeup of the state.  But of course that was never the goal.  So I suspect no one will be surprised to learn that 8 of the 9 members are black, and the ninth is of Asian descent.

(If you click on the link above you'll note the source is NOT a U.S. Media outlet, but hidden in the proceedings of the Cali government.)

And as anyone with a functioning brain cell could have predicted, this commission determined that yes, taxpayers owed blacks a ton of money.  But you may be surprised at the actual number the commission recommended:  

$233,000 per person.

That was projected to cost a modest $559 BILLION or so--which was more than the entire budget of the state.  But more on that in a minute.

Wait, it gets worse:  The original idea was to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. But that wouldn't net enough guaranteed votes for the Dems, so they added a second group of "beneficiaries:" Descendants of any non-slave black person living in the U.S. before 1900.

Cuz, see, 'Merica beez raaaaacis'!  We know dat cuz dey only been one black preznit, an' only two black Secretaries of State.  An' dey only 16,345 black millionaires--actors, sports stars, "entertainers" like "Lizzo."  Well, and successful investors and CEOs.  But ain't enuf, so dat prove 'Merica beez raaacis'!

Wait, it gets still worse:

As anyone with a function brain cell could have predicted, the commission and Newsome are now saying they want the Democrat-ruled federal government to fund this cost.

That means your parents--and you.

Say, dat a GREAT idea, eh citizen?

The Dems have now floated this "trial balloon," which has been duly parroted--glowingly, fawningly, slobberingly--by all the liberal papers.  And so far there hasn't been any pushback.  See, Democrat pols are totally for it (if voters don't scream bloody murder) and Republicans are scared to say anything against it, for fear of losing the next election.

Now, just for fun: Try to find the names and occupations of the nine members of the state commission that came up with this GREAT gift to taxpayer expense.  You aren't likely to find it in ANY U.S. paper.  The only place I've found it is the U.K's Daily Mail.  Odd, eh?  Why would American Media be reluctant to report the truth?

It's a mystery.

But what's NOT a mystery--not at all--is why presidential hopeful Newsome would support dis faaabulous idea:  Guaranteed to be supported by 99.95% of all blacks in the U.S.  Absolutely brilliant.


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