December 08, 2022

Shill sites claim "51% of Americans support biden's proposal to pay up to $20,000 to every student borrower

CNBC, like all mainstream media shill sites, totally supports any Democrat policy, even if unconstitutional.  Thus it's no surprise that when a court of appeals blocked biden's unconstitutional plan to pay off ("forgive") up to $20,000 of studen loan debt from going into effect, CNBC only quoted sources that said this was just awful, and that most Americans supported the brilliant plan.
   Regardless of whether you think the proposal is unconstitutional, the second part of that sentence is a brazen lie:  Most Americans think this is a terrible proposal.
>>In a poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov in August, 51% of respondents said they support Biden’s loan relief plan. Around 40% oppose the initiative.

Both The Economist and YouGov are leftist organs.

>>“In the past, the Supreme Court usually ruled in line with public opinion,” Urman said.

Okay, let's review: If you're an adult, did you borrow money to attend college?  Did you pay it back?  Why could you do that, but biden and the Dems now want to use *your* tax dollars to repay loans for current students, who have mysteriously become unable to do what you did?

Answer: this isn't needed, but is purely and simply a bribe to get college borrowers to vote Democrat.  The Dems knew the president couldn't do this by decree, and that the Supreme Court would likely block it.  But it didn't matter, cuz all the Dems needed was to put the proposal into circulation before the election, and reap the likely votes.

SO...if you either didn't take a student loan, or repaid your loans, what do you think about the Dems' plan to give students up to $20,000 apiece?  Does that seem fair to you?

If you have a kid whose college tuition and board you're paying--often by cutting your own spending--do you think giving $20,000 to students who borrowed money is fair, or reasonable?

So that claim that "51% agree with the biden plan" sounds like horseshit.  But no matter: all that matters is that some liberal shill organization (in this case The Economist and YouGov) said it, so now that can be quoted by other shill sites as if true.

Amazing, eh?


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