Did you ever IMAGINE this would be happening?
Citizens of every country in the world are now tolerating oppression by the tyrants who RULE them, to a degree heretofore only seen in just a few shit-hole dictatorships.
If you think that's hyperbole you haven't been paying attention.
There are too many examples to list more than a fraction, but consider that in Germany and Sweden, the ruling parties DECREED that African immigrants would be imported, given citizenship, given a house and thousands of dollars a month in case. This was NOT a law, duly passed by the legislature, nor was the proposal ever put to a vote of the citizenry. The pols simply decreed it, and there was no way stop them.
In the U.S. when Obozo was emperor, bureaucrats in a state in the Pacific Northwest DECREED that citizens were not allowed to catch rain that fell on their own roof. Seriously. They levied a big fine on one rural rancher who did it--and a corrupt court agreed with the state. The supreme court refused to hear the appeal.
If you own a home, your property taxes pay to run the public schools. But did anyone ever IMAGINE that the damnable government would ORDER that kids as young as five would have to take an un-tested, dangerous non-vaccine in order to attend the school you already pay for?
Did anyone ever IMAGINE the Democrats ruling the U.S. government would ORDER that every American who worked for a company with over X employees would have to take the jab or be fired? Oh sure, the Supreme Court eventually ruled that such an order violated the Constitution--but by that time it was too late for millions, who had to choose between taking the un-tested jab or being fired--on the order of the biden regime.
The Netherlands is a major food exporter. In that country the ruling pols have DECREED that the government is in the process of seizing 3,000 private farms--some of which have been in the same family for 200 years. The pols say they'll remove those lands from production--and plan to seize 8,000 more. The excuse? "Global warming."
Rational people wonder, What's the connection between farming and global warming? The pols reply that farming uses nitrogen fertilizer, which produces N2O gas, which is a "greenhouse gas." See?
When you point out that taking 11,000 farms in the Netherlands out of production won't change the amount of N2O in the air by one one-millionth of one percent, the rulers get this blank look--because they don't "do" nuimbers. As in, don't understand 'em. They simply parrot whatever numbers they get from their
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