If you believe a single thing bleated by the "Mainstream Media" you're either naive or a fool
Victor Davis Hansen is a historian, and a keen observer. Here's an edited version of his latest::
The current “media”—loosely defined as the old major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, the network news channels, MSNBC and CNN, PBS and NPR, the online news aggregators like Google, Apple, and Yahoo, and the social media giants like the old Twitter and Facebook—are all corrupt.
Since every major "media" outlet is run by "progressives," they've adopted the view that progressive ends justify any unethical means to obtain them. The media is unapologetically fused with the Democratic Party, the bicoastal liberal elite, and the progressive agenda.
The result is that you can't trust that the news you hear or read is true. What passes for "the newz" at these outlets has been carefully filtered to omit anything that would reflect badly on the policies of the Democrat party. By contrast, anything that helps the Democrat party is given top billing and repeated endlessly, even if false..
The media doesn't just suppress, it supports obvious lies that help Democrats. The entire Russia-collusion hoax—Robert Mueller’s vain 22-month and $40 million investigation—found zero evidence of collusion, but succeeded in crippling the effectiveness of an elected president--which was the intent.
How many print and television celebrity journalists declared that Trump would shortly resign, be jailed, or impeached over the pee-pee tape or Christopher Steele’s other mishmash of lies? How many talking heads did you hear repeating the talking point "The walls are closing in on Donald Trump!"
Why did Twitter (pre-Musk) ruthlessly suppress the New York Post's story of the damning information on Hunter Biden's laptop--cancelling the Post's Twitter account and even preventing users from commmenting on the story? Why did the entire media bleat that the story was "Russian disinformation," and then wait until after biden was installed to tell you the truth they knew all along: that it was absolutely true?
Note the media's breathless claims that Trump had stolen "secret nuclear launch codes" when he left the White House. The Media fawned over the raid on Trump's residence in Florida. Then only after the mid-term elections did the Media reveal that his presidential papers at Mar-a-Lago really did not contain “nuclear codes” or “nuclear secrets.”
Why did the Media only tell you AFTER the mid-terms that crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried had donated $40 million to the Democrat party--after donating $10 million to biden's 2020 campaign? The information was available all along, but they never told you until after the mid-term elections.
It is ancient history now and thus forgotten that the self-righteous MSNBC anchorman Lawrence O’Donnell falsely claimed that Deutsche Bank documents would prove that Russian oligarchs co-signed a loan application for Donald Trump.Over a decade ago, CNN’s Candy Crowley—remember this impartial “moderator” of the second 2012 presidential debate?—infamously transformed before our very television eyes into an active and shameless partisan by attacking candidate Mitt Romney. CNN commentator Donna Brazile unethically leaked primary-debate questions to candidate Hillary Clinton before the debate, so Clinton would look reasonably competent.
In sum, you're a fool to trust the media. They lie, routinely, casually, shamelessly. Yet Americans still naively assume that whatever the Pravda-like outlets bleat as "newz" is true.
By chance, my siblings are all *very* accomplished. Same with most of my friends. Yet with only two exceptions--not siblings--everyone I know believes anything the talking heads on MSNBC or CNN or the alphabet nets bleat. Or if they read it in the NYT or WaPo. In their view that ends the matter: no further discussion is needed.
Hey, everyone gets their own opinion, right?
Problem is, millions of quiet, hardworking Americans don't believe the ghastly, brazen lies pushed by socialists and Democrats. We tried to express our disapproval by voting in 2020 and 2022, but both times the Democrats used massive fraud to steal the elections. No court would touch any of the thousands of sworn affidavits claiming to have personally witnessed massive fraud, so the steal went unopposed, unpunished.
There's a saying that "Whatever can't go on, won't." Seems pretty obvious. But fraudsters don't believe it. Specifically, they believe that it doesn't matter that their view of reality is crippled by their ignorance, because all that matters is that they believe they're right. So they believe their policies can continue to rule forever, regardless of silly things like math or physics or...reality.
What matters to them is that they're viewed by their peers as virtuous--true believers. Members of The Club. Unlike those stupid peasants who think the rulers shouldn't encourage 5 million illegal aliens to enter the U.S. and stay here as voters.
When hardworking Americans note that just ONE illegal alien can bring across enough illegal fentanyl to kill 100,000 Americans, the Dems simply ignore it. They scream "You're just a Raaaaacist!" But they ignore the fact just noted--cuz they can't make it vanish.
The Democrat pols bleat that muggers and rapists and drug dealers and carjackers and smash-and-grab thieves shouldn't be punished, but should be released without bail, cuz "restorative justice." The Dems believe criminals should be given homes--just not in the Dems' neighborhoods.
For these and hundreds of other reasons, the U.S. cannot survive on its present course. But the Dems don't agree. They think this is a perfect course--because they're running things. The only thing that upsets them is that Musk bought their pet censor--and MAN are they ever screaming about THAT!
In a different lifetime I flew beautiful but totally unforgiving single-pilot jet airplanes. And we had a saying that put a twist on the "Whatever can't go on, won't" theme: It was "By force of will you CAN defy the laws of physics--just not for long."
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