November 18, 2022

If you believe any of the following, you may be a closet "election denier"

One of the amusing scams pulled by the Democrats and their Media allies is using "__-denier" as a pejorative.

Thus the Democrats and Media call anyone who dares to question any of the utter bullshit surrounding the tale that "global warming is caused by CO2 emitted by human activity" a "climate denier."

No, snowflakes, no one is denying there is a thing called climate.  But "climate denier" sounds more convincing than "denies that CO2 emitted by human activity is causing global warming," expecially when the warmists themselves were forced, after a string of record-cold winters a few years, to change the name of the disaster to "climate change," since it was becoming obvious that "global warming" wasn't convincing many people.

So it's no surprise to see the Dems coin the phrase "election denier" for conservatives who claim the 2020 election was riddled with massive, blatant fraud.

No, snowflakes, no one is denying that elections exist.  But "election denier" sounds more convincing than "believes Democrat agents fraudulently stole the election by creating millions of fake votes."

So let's take a look at what the Dems are calling "election denial:"
  On election night, with the Republican ahead in six crucial states, counting is abruptly stopped.  When the count is resumed 4 hours later, suddenly the Democrat is ahead.  It's claimed that batches of tens of thousands of ballots arrive with only a hundred votes or so for Trump, and the rest for biden, in a state where the official result is 51-49.

Dems say demanding an investigation of that makes you an "election denier."

This year in Maricopa county, AZ, vote scanners tested fine the night before the election, but beginning the next morning 20% of the election machines in the Republican areas of Maricoppa county suddenly stopped scanning ballots.

Dems say demanding an investigation makes you a denier.

Noting that counts are being done in secret, with armed men preventing poll watchers from entering the counting rooms makes you an "election denier."

Pointing out the fact that mail-in balloting is rife with fraud makes you an "election denier."

Imagine the howls of outrage from the Media and the Dems if Republicans were winning elections with the same "anomalies" that routinely accompany Dem wins.


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