How do we get Democrats to WANT to not steal elections?
As anyone with an IQ over 80 predicted, Democrats cheated again. After they got away wih the brazen, blatant, obvious, in-your-face steal in 2020-- with not a single court even hearing the case in open court!--they knew they could do it every time without penalty.
The "elites" are writing that "Democrats adapted," eh? Ah, so that's the clever euphemism for "cheated," eh? Stole both 2020 and this one. "Adapted." That's almost comical.
What's a hoot is hearing naive people saying "Republicans just have to get better at ballot harvesting," or "better at messaging," or "better at putting poll watchers in counting centers." You people don't get it: The Dems have a decade-long headstart in how to steal elections. You don't even BEGIN to know how many ways they can and do pull off massive election fraud, so no matter how many "loopholes" Repubs close, they'll always be playing catch-up.
The ONLY fix is to make them want--eagerly, desperately want--to never cheat again. No matter how many laws you pass, that won't do it--because election fraud is already against the law, eh?
There's only one way to make the Democrats eagerly want to stop stealing elections--and it won't happen, because there' ONLY thing that will get the Dems to WANT to stop cheating, thus to save the country--and our side isn't willing to do it.
So RIP, America. It was a great ride while it lasted. And from the Dems' standpoint it's perfect, because young people today won't have any way of knowing what things were like before the socialists (communists) took over, so they'll never blame the Dems.
Kid to teacher, 2035: "My dad said when he was a kid Americans didn't eat crickets and mealworms. Instead he said people just like us ate steak almost once a week! Really!"
Teacher (obviously leftist/woke): "Your dad is just teasing you. Only millionaires and our wonderful leaders can afford steak. Next your dad will be telling you that when he was a kid ordinary Americans could fly across the country in jets or some such nonsense, or that lots of ordinary Americans could afford a boat, or that there were only two genders, or something equally crazy!"
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