November 18, 2022

New Democrat meme: "Big GOP donors say they won't support Trump in 2024!"

If you pay attention to politics... don't.  You think you're informed about politics because you watch the fake "Network Newz."

That's as amusing as people believing the old Soviet Union newspaper "Pravda"  told the truth, because the name meant "Truth" in Russian.  But rational adults recognize that "newz" outfits are owned by some company, so will push whatever agenda the owners want them to push.  Duh.  

Example: ABC is owned by Disney.  If you think ABC would ever run a story critical of Disney I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'll sell ya.

So with that obvious principle firmly in mind let's look at recent stories about U.S. politics.

In the past two weeks you've probably seen several stories saying exactly the same thing: "Billionaire GOP donors say they won't back Trump."

Those stories have only one purpose:  To create a propaganda technique called the "bandwagon effect," in which readers conclude that "all the rich GOP donors (presumably smart) aren't going to support Trump in 2024."  It's a way to get GOP voters to think smart people don't like Trump.

Certainly lots of RINOs and members of the "GOP establishment" don't.  But the Democrat party knows Trump is its most formidable GOP candidate in 2024, so they want to build opposition to prevent him from winning the party's nomination.  Then after he's out of the way they can work on sinking DeSantis.  But they need to get rid of Trump first, because they need to be able to offer voters DeSantis as a supposedly better alternative.

Better for the Democrats, of course.  

You probably think it's just a coincidence that the billionaires publically announcing that they won't support Trump all have lucrative financial deals with China.

Also you don't know--because the Mainstream Media have carefully avoided telling you--that biden and son have collected over $100 million from the Chinese leadership--most of which came in the form of a gifted "equity interest" in a $1.5 BILLION investment fund, funneled through one of Hunter bidens dozens of companies.

So the biden regime has been amazingly cozy with China.  In fact one of the regime's first acts was to end the tariffs Trump imposed on Chinese imports to the U.S.  Hmmmm...

See, Trump said he wanted to “eliminate America’s dependence on China” for things like prescription drugs and electronic chips.

Take the Murdochs, for example. They own the New York Post, which mocked President Trump’s campaign roll-out with the headline: “Florida Man Makes Announcement.”

Mocking Trump is no accident, because China wants the Democrats to stay in control of the U.S., and the Murdoch empire borrowed $100 million from the Bank of China.

Yep, News Corp, which owns the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, borrowed over $100 million from a Chinese Communist-owned bank.

Then there’s Ken Griffin, who has amassed a personal worth of $22 billion thru his investment firm Citadel, which is partly owned by Sequoia Capital.  Sequoia is a venture capital firm that has produced more investment gains from China than any other firm and has close ties to the CCP.

Two days before the midterms Griffin told Politico he wants to spend his money to put Ron DeSantis in the White House.  Say, you don't think Griffin would be opposed to Trump because Trump wants to reduce our dependence on Chinese goods, do ya?  

Or consider megadonor is Stephen Schwarzman, who is CEO of Blackstone Group.  According to the Financial Times, between 2013-2018 his firm did $32 billion of Chinese deals.  Hmmm...  

The day after Trump’s announcement speech that warned of our increasing dependence on China, Schwarzman let Axios know that he will back any other Republican than the former president in the 2024 primary.

If you were the CEO of a company that’s done tens of billions of dollars worth of deals in China, would you want a populist who believe China modified a harmless bat coronavirus that killed millions worldwide to be president again?  Probably not. 



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